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  1. D

    dropping item at location variable

    Hey skripters, I'm baffled by this situation. Maybe you guys could help me understand this better? I am attempting to make it so when a netherite block with all 5 stars of power are in the inventory I made for it, a little light show with lightning happens, and then a new star is spawned/dropped...
  2. D

    auto block replace

    Ah... Thank you, but that doesn't work either. I may have to do all the blocks manually, such as: on break of grass: wait 5 seconds set event-block to grass on break of stone: wait 5 seconds: set event-block to stone etc, etc.... Which is goinig to suck, but I think its...
  3. D

    auto block replace

    Trying to make a simple skript that replaces blocks that are broken after a given amount of time. Yah, that's it, but you won't believe how much pain it has caused me. When a player breaks a block, I can't cancel the event after 24 hours, so "cancel event" wont work. The only other way is to set...
  4. D

    Strange Loop Behavior

    Got rid of all the loops, tweaked the code a little (because event-block is not a possible term outside a loop, apparently) Thank you! -Dan
  5. D

    Strange Loop Behavior

    Oh! I hadnt though about all the loops. Now that you point it out, I see how it's an inneficient code. I'll try your suggestions, and get back to ya! Thank you:P -Dan
  6. D

    Issues searching for a value in a list variable

    figured it out! Had to use this phrase instead: set {player::*} to player's name if {teamred::*} does not contain {player::*}: send "&cIt worked!!" to all players
  7. D

    Issues searching for a value in a list variable

    Trying to get a system so players can choose which team they want to be on. When they choose that team, I want it to add them to a list variable. But I cant find a value in the list variable! If I broadcast it, I get the contents of the variable accurately. It's a series of player names. But HOW...
  8. D

    Strange Loop Behavior

    Hey, I can't figure out why this code is acting so strangely. It should add 1 to {timerGREEN} every 10 seconds, as long as there is a black standing banner in that specific zone, and under no other circumstances. However, it seems to spuratically and semi randomly add points, all in the range of...
  9. D

    Registering a specific item on player's head

    Thank you SO MUCH! I've been struggling with this for days. Cant believe it was litterally that simple. -Dan
  10. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    Alright bro. I don't want to be frustrated with you, because you have helped me out. But you can be really quite rude. Thank you for your help, I'll get someone else to show me what I need in this case. -Dan
  11. D

    Registering a specific item on player's head

    Ive tried: on load: set {_flag} to "black_banner" parsed as itemtype but it comes back as <none>
  12. D

    Registering a specific item on player's head

    Hello again! I hope there isnt a limit to how many posts I can make, and I hope Im not bugging anyone by asking for help a few different times in short order. Thank you, Shroob, for helping me out the last two times! So, the problem: I need to make it so when a player with a black banner on...
  13. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    Do you just mean the skript "code" ive written? is that what "skript load" is?
  14. D

    Protecting an Item

    Ran it through, and after changing some of the spacings it worked! Now I just have to figure out how to get the flag off the head, and stop them from removing it from their head manually. I think I can figure those two things out, but if you have any ideas, you seem to know your stuff ;) Thanks...
  15. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    I'm sorry, I don't know what script loads are. I looked it up, but I don't see anything on it. Is it a function or condition? What is the script load in my script? Thank you for your help!
  16. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    I gathered that much, but what is the variable "loads" representing in the flag/loop scenario? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious!
  17. D

    Protecting an Item

    LOL I understand why you see it that way. Well Ill run this through, but ive already learned something, because the function section at the bottom I hadnt even considered. Thank you! Will keep you posted on results -Dan
  18. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    Hey, thanks for responding! As mentioned, Im new, and im not entirely sure how this solution works. I understand that "loads" is a variable, but what is it representing in my script? With a little more explanation I think I could understand what you mean. -Dan
  19. D

    Protecting an Item

    Hello, I just posted a question about looping, but I realize I have another issue as well, that's mostly unrelated. Thanks in advance for any help! As mentioned, I am developing a Capture the Flag server with some twists, and I've just realized I dont know how to protect the flag while in...
  20. D

    Issues with ending a specific loop!

    Hey! Moderately new to Skript, but loving it so far!! I'm developing a sort of 4 way Capture the Flag server, with some twists, and I've written this code to manage the flag system. Essentially, when a block is placed that isn't the flag, its canceled and the player is told. When the flag is...