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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. M

    wheat item named "[Wheat]" is not a types.recipe

    yes I know but i've written all my GUIs in skQuery now and I don't want to make it all again because the error reporting system of skQuery is bad.
  2. M

    wheat item named "[Wheat]" is not a types.recipe

    if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} == 0: format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing else if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} >= 1...
  3. M

    Joining strings

  4. M

    gui click event won't work

    are there any other working addons for GUIS in 1.14.2?
  5. M

    gui click event won't work

    skript version 2.4-alpha1 and minecraft version 1.14.2
  6. M

    gui click event won't work

    format gui slot 0 of player with black glass named "&c&lEpic test item" to run console command "buyitem black glass %player% black glass" using left mouse button when i open the gui it won't execute any command and i can just take it out i use TuSke for GUIs