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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    Land SK

    Hello friends, I need the following help: I need a land skript, where players can buy lands of different sizes, for example: /land buy 25 25 If possible, that the sk check if there is any terrain within the distance that the player placed. If there is, let him not allow the purchase and if...
  2. T

    Help to fix

    Hi Guys, how are you? I'm having a little problem with this SK, I would like someone to help me solve it. Every time I go to see the status of someone, I get the following message: Error: &7Player &6%arg-1% &7didn't play before." I found this sk on spigot, but the developer is not supporting...
  3. T

    Help-me Please

    Hello .. Good night! I am in need of help with this .sk I'm running 1.13.2 All adons, and the latest version of skript, it gives the following error: [01:38:11 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: invoke "FunnyShopComprar" from player and "%{_item}%" and "%{_x}%" and "%{_price}%"...
  4. T

    line or line?

    hello, how are you? Well I'm having problem with some sk lines, can anyone help me? on sign change: line 1 of event-block is "[FunnyShop]" or "[FShop]" set {_prefix} to "%{FShop::Messages::GlobalPrefix}%" if player's gamemode is creative: if line 2 of event-block is...
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    Fix this sk

    help me
  6. T

    Fix this sk

    My brother, seriously I will be eternally grateful <3 One more bug, sometimes if I close one store and open another, a bug occurs, it changes the inventory item, but sells or buys the item from the previous store
  7. T

    Fix this sk

    Hi, thanks for helping me, he's still saying that I do not have the item to sell.
  8. T

    Fix this sk

    Hello, someone could fix this sk for me, the error is as follows: When I sell an item, it says that I do not have this item in inventory Thank you!! Skript on spigot and informations: on script load: if...
  9. T

    Item on item frame

    Well, this is giving an error on line 3 acima você up
  10. T

    Item on item frame

    Hello, almost this, however, you have to identify the item that is in the frame item that is located two blocks above the clicked block
  11. T

    Item on item frame

    Hi, I need a sk that does this. When the player clicks the sign, sk will identify the item that is in the frame item two blocks above the board, and it will receive the name of the item in the chat. Thanks, I can add any addon!
  12. T

    Some plugins

    Hello need Skript for 1.10, Umbaska for 1.10 SkRayFall for 1.10, SkQuery for 1.10, reminding everyone that they should be compatible with each other, thank you!!
  13. T

    On region enter

    Hello, I need a skript that does the following: When entering the region, if the player does not have the permission, region.enter, it will be thrown back, and will not be able to enter