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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. V

    Solved Commands without "/"

    Is it possible to make commands without "/"? It sadly cant be as simple as: on chat: if message is "!test": send "test" It has to have arguments, like: on chat: if message is "!test <arg>": send "test %arg%" But that sadly doesn't work. Is there anyway to get around that?
  2. V

    Server IP/web address

    Edit: I found out it's possible to get the IP of the server + port of the server with plugins, but I don't know if the scripts can do that too.
  3. V

    Server IP/web address

    Is it possible to somehow find the server's IP/web address with a script? And if so how, because I was trying to do it myself, but didn't got really far. I heard that it is possible, but I don't really know if thats true or not.
  4. V

    Solved Webhooks in scripts?

    I am trying to code a script that sends a simple discord webhook message, containing the ip of the server to a webhook, when the server starts. Is that possible and if so how?
  5. V

    Solved "'else' has to be placed just after another 'if' or 'else if' section"

    I ran into a problem when creating a /punish script, that was supposed to crash some and send them a custom message. command /punish <text> <player> <text>: permission: skript.punish usage: /punish category <player> message trigger: if arg-1 is "cheater": if arg-2 is set...
  6. V

    Solved Quotation Marks inside of commands

    Thank you so much, I actually saw the tip: "double the quotation marks" before but I thought they meant it like this: ""/title @a title {"text":"Keyall in 30s","color":"dark_purple","bold":true}"" Thanks for helping me out, I really, really appreciate it!
  7. V

    Solved Quotation Marks inside of commands

    I'm really new to Skript and this is my first script. I'm trying to make a /keyall command but I ran into a problem with quotation marks in commands, I tried fixing it myself, but didn't make it far. command /keyall <number>: permission: command.keyall usage: /keyall amount trigger...