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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. KingAdmin_YT

    Best way to optimize this skript?

    Some code but really is it necessary loop-player is alive? Already every player is alive
  2. KingAdmin_YT

    Best way to optimize this skript?

    You can share your codes
  3. KingAdmin_YT

    Best way to optimize this skript?

    Since the skript is used, this is the case. If more optimization is desired, a plugin is recommended. Actually, even though the last event is constantly triggered, it is optimized according to the conditions.
  4. KingAdmin_YT

    Best way to optimize this skript?

    i think the best that below options: build-limit: 256 height-limit: 30 bedrock-limit: -5 on player move: if player's y-coordinate >= ({@build-limit} + {@height-limit}): teleport player to (location at player's x-coordinate, {@build-limit}, player's z-coordinate in...
  5. KingAdmin_YT

    Execute a command if 2 players are in a worldguard region

    How it doesn’t work? So when reloaded are there error or?
  6. KingAdmin_YT

    Detect if a list contains another list

    The contains() method checks if it contains the required elements. If it does, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. if contains({items::*}, all items in player's inventory) is true: // contains(required items, available items) send "yes, it's includes" Have you tried it?
  7. KingAdmin_YT

    item lock [help]

    let's try this on inventory item move: if event-item is enchanted with curse of vanishing: if type of holder of event-inventory is not player inventory: cancel event wait 1 tick close player's inventory send "You can not put items...
  8. KingAdmin_YT

    item lock [help]

    you can take a look at this: You can block based on this click pattern.
  9. KingAdmin_YT

    item lock [help]

    yes, it possible. but dealing with scripts is torture. i'm coding spigot java. let's try on inventory click: if cursor slot of player is enchanted with curse of vanishing: if click type is not left mouse button or right mouse button: cancel event stop...
  10. KingAdmin_YT

    Detect if a list contains another list

    function contains(n: items, c: items) :: boolean : if {_n::*} is empty: return false loop {_n::*}: set {_item} to loop-item set {_amount} to amount of {_item} in {_n::*} if {_c::*} does not contain at least {_amount} of {_item}: return false...
  11. KingAdmin_YT

    item lock [help]

    i understood. on inventory click: if event-inventory is not player inventory: if cursor slot of player is enchanted with curse of vanishing: cancel event wait 1 tick close player's inventory send "You can not put items enchanted with...
  12. KingAdmin_YT

    item lock [help]

    on inventory click: if type of event-inventory is not player inventory: if item is enchanted with curse of vanishing: cancel event wait 1 tick close player's inventory send "You can not put items enchanted with &6Curse of Vanishing&r...
  13. KingAdmin_YT

    Execute a command if 2 players are in a worldguard region

    options: region: "test1" on region enter: if region is {@region} parsed as region: manage(region) on region exit: if region is {@region} parsed as region: manage(region) on death: if region is {@region} parsed as region: manage(region) on quit: if...
  14. KingAdmin_YT

    Execute a command if 2 players are in a worldguard region

    set {_region1} to regions at player set {_region2} to regions at player if {_region1} contains {_region2}: send "true" it has one problem with what you said. Which players? What does it depend on? So you need to separate your players in the code
  15. KingAdmin_YT

    When using the Multiverse-Core plugin, if I die, how do I teleport to a world called spawn?

    or you can use the spawn of the world where the player died teleport player to spawn teleport player to spawn point of "world_nether" no tested
  16. KingAdmin_YT

    When using the Multiverse-Core plugin, if I die, how do I teleport to a world called spawn?

    You can use below like command /setmvspawn: permission: op trigger: set {mvspawn} to location of player on respawn: teleport player to {mvspawn} but if you want to without variable, you should use it by taking advantage of the multiverse core api like skript-reflect but i...
  17. KingAdmin_YT

    [HELP] [SKRIPT] Mobs spawning within a radius randomly

    every 10 minutes: set {_x} to random number between 5 and 10 set {_y} to 60 set {_z} to random number between 0 and 10 set {_world} to world "world" set {_location} to location({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_world}) spawn zombie at {_location}
  18. KingAdmin_YT

    Bentobox isLevel() function

    Hello everyone, I use the BentoBox addon bskyblock plugin on my server. I am using the latest version of the script. sk-mirror 2.0.0 is available. If we come to the subject, I need a function that will pull a player's island level to the data. I have been dealing for 2 weeks but I could not...
  19. KingAdmin_YT

    sk-json (copy from ".json" file)

    How can I pull the "json" file into the data? I have sk-mirror, sk-yaml, sk-json and others.. Yup!
  20. KingAdmin_YT

    Error of Pikachu's Snippets [Spawner]

    Working! Thank you very much.. (15.line is unneeded) But can i set item spawner(iron ingot spawner like.)?