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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. MartinOdum

    Solved whats {_variable}

  2. MartinOdum

    Solved [Skript] No matching constructor

    I've been trying to get this to work myself, after reading through the api examples and everything I don't really know what to do differently, I tried a few different things but had no luck getthing the code to work either, if you end up finding the solution it would be awesome if you could...
  3. MartinOdum

    Solved Setblock Offline Player heads with Skript-mirror

    Thank you! The code did not work from the get go for my version (1.13.2) but I modified it just a tad bit, here are my edits for anyone it may help provided with the code I used to test it: import: org.bukkit.SkullType org.bukkit.Material org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack effect place...
  4. MartinOdum

    Solved Setblock Offline Player heads with Skript-mirror

    I probably will once I have time to confirm that its not an addon conflicting and that it is actually a vanilla skript bug, I would still love help with doing this with skript-mirror regardless as I am trying to get better with java and skript-mirror coding has helped quite alot. I've tried alot...
  5. MartinOdum

    Solved Setblock Offline Player heads with Skript-mirror

    The vanilla skript seems to be broken, running this simple code: command /headtest2: trigger: give player's skull to the player Gives this error: As for the imports:
  6. MartinOdum

    Solved Setblock Offline Player heads with Skript-mirror

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.3 beta 2 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.13.2 What I want to do: My end goal is to make a top 10 wealthiest players head leaderboard, I have enough experience to do everything except actually placing the player heads in the world, as far...
  7. MartinOdum

    Solved How to do this

    on right click holding stick: make player shoot snowball with speed 1 set metadata value "SpecialSnowball" of shot projectile to true on damage: if victim is a player: if "%damage cause%" is "projectile": if metadata value "SpecialSnowball" of event-projectile is...
  8. MartinOdum

    Solved Skript-db Help

    all the uuids would be under {_results::uuid::*} and all the names under {_results::name::*} if you wanted to get the data of a specific uuid you would do: execute "SELECT * FROM playerdata where uuid=%player's uuid%" in {_sql} and store the result in {_playerinfo::*} and the the variable...
  9. MartinOdum

    Left/Right click in GUI

    It is possible, I know skellett has support for it: on inventory click: if clicked type is left mouse button: I'm sure other addons may also have support for it, if not it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve with skript-mirror either Edit: Now that I think about it my example might be...
  10. MartinOdum

    Solved Why is this not working?

    use "2 meters" instead of "2 blocks". it use to work fine but broke a few versions ago on bensku's build
  11. MartinOdum

    Addon SkStuff

    I was never able to get anyone with java experience to compile a version with worldguard support removed, I did however go in and just straight up removed some class files to do with worldguard, I honestly forgot which ones I removed but I basically broke the worldguard functionality from...
  12. MartinOdum

    Using custom heads in gui

    You can do this with Skstuff, to use any other head you just need to replace the Id and Texture Value in the code set slot 0 of player's current inventory to player head with custom nbt...
  13. MartinOdum

    Solved Help with skull in gui

    this was a minecraft glitch in i forgot what version exactly but they fixed it in the next version
  14. MartinOdum

    Solved fishing

    You were pretty close man, I modified it a bit and tested it and it seems to work. on "org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent": if "%event.getState().name()%" is "CAUGHT_FISH": chance of 50%: message "&bSweet, sparkling surprise! That's a diamond!" to event.getPlayer() set...
  15. MartinOdum

    Help please with Mobs

    I didn't provide further help in the first 2 because they are fairly self explanatory, but this is kind of what you would do for the first one: loop all entities: if name of loop-entity is "Bad Zombie": kill loop-entity For your second request Hexivoid seems to have provided an example but...
  16. MartinOdum

    Increase mobs follow range

    You can add that nbt tag using skstuff although unless you're avoiding future minecraft updates I don't recommend you use skstuff, your alternative to that would be skript-mirror. Example with Skstuff: add "{Attributes:[{Name:""generic.followRange"",Base:100.0}]}" to nbt of spawned entity...
  17. MartinOdum

    Help please with Mobs

    1) You can kill a mob using its name but its tricky because its name is not a unique identifier so you would have to loop all entities and check if their name matches, if so you would kill the looped entity. This would only work if the mob is in a loaded chunk though. 2) There is an on target...
  18. MartinOdum

    set slot problem

    I don't have experience with running 1.8 but as far as I know the latest bensku fork did allow skript to load on 1.8, however there may be bugs since all they did was allow it to load. If you havent ran into any crazy bugs then you're probably ok. The feather issue is most likely an aliases file...
  19. MartinOdum

    set slot problem

    just use the numerical id, skript will give you a warning not to use it and even give you the alias to use instead, but if you use the alias it tells you to use and it still doesn't work then its not worth the headache so just using the numerical id should be fine
  20. MartinOdum

    YAML errors

    Oh. WildSkript is not supported anymore, what minecraft version and skript version are you on? Many addons have yaml support, I would look to using another one that is supported