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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. 3meraldK

    Script mcMMOgui - Party update

    Download this script here: Requirements: - Skript (last tested on 2.5-beta4) - skript-reflect (tested on 2.1.0) - mcMMO (tested on 2.1.145) Changelog: Major features Performance upgrade (not in code though) PARTY VIEWER...
  2. 3meraldK

    Script mcMMOgui 1.2

    mcMMOgui an innovative and efficient script for user-friendly GUI for mcMMO plugin If you ever had mcMMO plugin, if many players in your server use it, then you surely should have this script right now. It was created mainly for the players, for the better experience, comfort and orientation...
  3. 3meraldK


    mcMMOgui an innovative and efficient script for user-friendly GUI for mcMMO plugin If you ever had mcMMO plugin, if many players in your server use it, then you surely should have this script right now. It was created mainly for the players, for the better experience, comfort and orientation...
  4. 3meraldK

    Skript::Task: ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay$1 (Single)

    it generates like 10,42% of tick while other tasks and events don't even reach 0.1% so it's the cause of lag? How to remove that lag? I heard it's just 'wait x seconds' or something. I've reduced those effects to minimal but it still appears. Thanks for help.
  5. 3meraldK

    on variable update

    how would skript know what player did you mean big facepalm bruh
  6. 3meraldK

    random teleport on death

  7. 3meraldK

    Solved Advanced skript challenge

    options: amountmsg: "You can only specify amount between 1 and 64." command /advance [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>] [<item type>]: usage: /advance <additional message> <player> <0-64> <item> description: This command is giving items. permission: advance.permission...
  8. 3meraldK

    random teleport on death

    I've a problem with random teleporting when player has no town (towny). How to detect if a player has a town or he doesn't? I've got random teleporting function so I need the only detection if player is townless. for example: on death: if player has a town: send "you are in town"...
  9. 3meraldK

    towny channel detection

    can someone write me a script on detection of towny channel? I think skript-mirror is required, also you need to install there TownyChat and Towny plugin... for example. on chat: #detects (if player's towny channel is "general":) send "Your current channel is ""general""!" else...