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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N1coNico

    Best way to optimize this skript?

    Any tips.... the loop all players is prob not a good idea to do but me dumb and need help to find a better way please.. thanks The Idea of this Skript is to limit how high a player can go into the air and teleported them back to build high after they go above a set limit and auto kill the...
  2. N1coNico

    Script Fly and Depth Limit 1.0.0

    How It Works: Height Restriction: The script checks if any player’s Y-coordinate exceeds the height limit. Teleportation: If the player is too high, they are teleported to the build limit’s Y-coordinate Flight Disabled: If the player was flying, their flight mode is disabled after teleporting...
  3. N1coNico

    Script Fly and Depth Limit

    N1coNico submitted a new resource: Fly and Depth Limit Enforcement - skript Read more about this resource...