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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Sabified

    Could anyone help with a custom sharpness

    Should be command /givesword: permission: op trigger: give player diamond sword of sharpness 10
  2. Sabified

    A doorlock Skript With a custom gui

    I'd be happy to help if you're still interested. My Discord is: sabifiedsab
  3. Sabified

    stopping all loops
  4. Sabified

    true or false command

    Add "solved" prefix if solved :)
  5. Sabified

    Help with setting spawn intervals on command with arguments

    i already gave it to you in the other post tho
  6. Sabified

    Solved loop all player near players what have the scoreboard tag "Z":

    every 15 seconds: loop all player: if player have the scoreboard tag "Z": execute loop-player command "yourcommand"
  7. Sabified

    stop all sounds

    There is no syntax for it stop sound[s] %strings% [(in|from) %soundcategory%] [(from playing to|for) %players%] stop playing sound[s] %strings% [(in|from) %soundcategory%] [(to|for) %players%] stop all sounds doesn't exist (yet) in skript but you can stop specific sounds I think I found a...
  8. Sabified

    tooltip link bug?

    duplicate post :/
  9. Sabified

    Solved Pull ability

    What would the enemy be? Another player or a mob?
  10. Sabified

    tooltip link bug?

    You probably forgot a trigger The code needs to be told when to run Example: If you want it to run every 10 minutes: every 10 minutes: broadcast "%nl%[✦] <tooltip:click><link:>&6click to join our discord server!%nl%" If you want it to run every time a player joins: on join...
  11. Sabified

    Help with setting spawn intervals on command with arguments

    this is a duplicate post :/
  12. Sabified

    Solved Help with setting spawn intervals on command with arguments

    we meet again ;) function DropBerries(): drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity drop 1 sweet berries at location(4357.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without...
  13. Sabified

    Solved How can I get the name of an item in skript?

    Hello! I want the name of player's tool If I try to do set {_item} to player's tool set {_itemName} to name of {_item} It returns <none> because the item isn't "named" eg. with an anvil To anyone who might want this in the future: function getItemName(i: item) :: string: if {_i}'s name is...
  14. Sabified

    Solved loop all player near players what have the scoreboard tag "Z":

    Could you explain? I don't really know what you want to do
  15. Sabified

    How to loop all raw items

    on pick up: send "&7Vzal jsi %event-item%!" to player if {ir::%player%.%raw name of item%} is true: stop else: set {ir::%player%.%raw name of item%} to true play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player add 1 to {ir::%player%}...
  16. Sabified

    Solved Help with counting handheld items

    on rightclick on a stone button with brick: if name of player's held item is "&cRusty Scrap Metal": send "&aCleaning The Rust" to player send "&bWait 5 Seconds Before It Is Clean!" to player set {_count} to amount of player's held item in player's inventory...
  17. Sabified

    Solved Help with custom commands and loop dropping items

    Add the solved prefix if that was everything :emoji_wink:
  18. Sabified

    Solved Help with custom commands and loop dropping items

    command /dirt: permission: op trigger: if {dirt.enabled} is true: set {dirt.enabled} to false send "&cDirt spawner disabled" to player else: set {dirt.enabled} to true send "&aDirt spawner enabled" to player every 2...
  19. Sabified

    Solved Creative inventory

    You could just loop through all players and remove the items you don't want the players to have..
  20. Sabified

    how to disable the <%player%> in chat with skript

    on chat: set the chat format to "%player's prefix% %player% %message%"