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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. mysteriousStranger

    Help With Variables

    Just needed to add the "of" after the variable, checked and its working now. else if block is stone: cancel event set event-block to bedrock give player {BlockAmount} of cobblestone #just needed to add of after the variable wait 5 seconds set event-block...
  2. mysteriousStranger

    mobs (hard to explain here)

    Looping all the zombies in the world seems a bit excessive if you're only trying to heal one entity. Wouldn't it be better to loop all entities within a 10-20 block radius of the player?
  3. mysteriousStranger

    convert text to item

    I'd love to help you, but I have 0 idea what you're actually trying to achieve. You posted a very open ended, broad statement, could you post some code so I have some idea of what you're trying to do for me to help?
  4. mysteriousStranger


    You haven't really provided much detail here. But I'll give it a shot. This is a really quick janky piece I've written here, but it will do what you need it to do. Please provide more information in future if you are looking for help, as it will help us help you, a lot easier. on damage...
  5. mysteriousStranger

    Custom name help

    You need to get rid of the & symbol because its not a normal colour that is predefined, then you need to add <##> around the hexcode to make it work. As zombie heads have two block states, when its mounted to the side of a block, or when it is placed on the ground, I have fixed the hex colour...