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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

    Now, what are you waiting for? Join the community now!

  1. itismejoey

    How's this thing work again?

    How's this thing work again?
  2. itismejoey

    *tap tap* Is this thing on?

    *tap tap* Is this thing on?
  3. itismejoey

    I'm sure if you ask @BaeFell nice enough he will change it :D

    I'm sure if you ask @BaeFell nice enough he will change it :D
  4. itismejoey

    skUtilities Reading, Writing and Deleting YAML

    Yes. :emoji_wave:
  5. itismejoey

    Why so many times?

    Why so many times?
  6. itismejoey

    News Goodbye, for now

    Hello there, It is with deep sadness to inform you that I will be stepping down from the skUnity staff team. I have moved on from my previous career, as a freelance graphic/web designer, and started a new career that will take away most of the free time that I used to have. It also comes at a...
  7. itismejoey

    Official How-To: Get Help Faster!

    So the new forums have been out for about a week now and i've seen a lot of people desperately trying to get help, but doing it all the wrong ways. I wanted to make a how-to post that will hopefully get you guys help faster. Just a note, it will take work on your part. There are several tools...
  8. itismejoey

    If this is referring to a Minecraft Network, you should post about it here...

    If this is referring to a Minecraft Network, you should post about it here: Be sure to give lots of information, so people will actually want to join. :D
  9. itismejoey

    Advanced Messages - Huge updates and changes!

    The original version of the script was quickly put together and wasn't really tested. I have changed a lot of things and this version should be pretty stable. Removed message offenses (might add back in) Added support for bungee (must have bungee now) Cleaned up variables Less add-on dependencies
  10. itismejoey

    hi mom

    hi mom
  11. itismejoey

    Script Advanced Messages

    itismejoey submitted a new resource: Advanced Messages - The ultimate messaging solution Read more about this resource...
  12. itismejoey

    Advanced Messages 1.0.1

    Advanced Messages is the ultimate Bungeecord messaging system. It's the same system that you are already familiar with (if you are coming from Essentials), but opens it up to network wide messages. This script is very easy to configure, with multiple comments to help you. If you have any...
  13. itismejoey

    Read First About Suggestions Section

    We are open to community members giving us suggestions to better improve the site. Before you go making a thread for a suggestion, we ask that you follow a few guidelines first: Check to see if your suggestion was already made and maybe denied. Is your suggestion 100% feasible? If your...
  14. itismejoey

    Read First About Offering Section

    Do you you have a skill or service that might might be of use for the members of skUnity? You can offer your service here in this section then! Offering Section Rules All threads must follow this format: Simple thread name | optional tag line Example: [OFFERING] [PAID] nfell2009's Skript...
  15. itismejoey

    Tutorial Creation Guide

    So you want to create a tutorial? Here's a few tips on how to create a great tutorial that everyone can use! How complex is your tutorial? If it is pretty basic then a tutorial might not be needed. Is there already a tutorial released? No need to post a duplicate. You can always reply to that...