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  1. I

    Addon SkQuery [1.13-1.19+]

    I'm having an Issue with Json messages: In the 1.8.3 version I used to do send json of "Hey" tooltip "Test" to player But idk y tho It gives me Errors when I do the same thing in this fork: Error Here [Its Gyazo] It would be awesome if you could idk tell me when did I do wrong or just Fix it...
  2. I

    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    yes :(
  3. I

    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    Ok, with dev25 Skript works tho SkRayFall and Votifier do not :I, back to the Initial problem
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    25 or 35? 35 sends same errors as dev36, I can't find dev25 in Skript downloads of SkUnity so I imagined you missedwritten
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    ok 1 min Amma open the serv..., Whatever script I make in Skript when I /sk reload all it sends "Internal error..." and The script dsnt work That link is for the Rester error
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    amma try Nothing :I It still gives me "Internal errors"
  7. I

    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    No Need to be Rude, amma try to update skript, give me 5 mins My server is 1.8 so for 1.8 only 2.1.2 version or older can work, I tried with dev36 but gives me errors. Changing minecraft version is not a possibility
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    I don't think Skript is the Problem It never gave me errors and the Error says its SkRayFall
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    ok 1 sec bump* bump
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    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    Yeah :(
  11. I

    SkRayFall - Votifier conflict

    Hello skript world, I own a server and As always after hitting 5-10 players I wanted to add /Vote feature to my server, So I installed "Votifier" [I tried with NuVotifier too] Tho I discovered that It goes in conflict with SkRayFall, and they bought don't work :I Versions: Skript 2.1.2...
  12. I

    random # gen

    delete {shish} set {shish} to random integer between 1 and 100 if {shish} is 1 or 2 or 3: @send "3%" else: @send "97%"
  13. I

    im getting types.barflag

    Oh, In fact, it would be a smart idea if you specified what you used for the Script @dankmemes ... And using english would help us a lot
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    im getting types.barflag

    I would prefere using set slot and then on inventory click, tho if you want to use "Format slot" Its: Format slot 10 of player with stone named "Test" to run [send "Ok" to player] not Format slot 10 of player with stone named "Test" to run: send "Ok" to player Or you could do: Format slot 10...
  15. I

    Lore problems with new line

    Im Using Skript 2.1.2 And skQuery 3.21.4 And it workes perfectly
  16. I

    Lore problems with new line

    Then try this command /test: permission: command.test trigger: give player 1 emerald named "" with lore "HEY||LOL" command /test: permission: command.test trigger: open chest with 3 rows to player...
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    Lore problems with new line

    with lore "World sucks%last character of nl%a lot" :emoji_thumbsup:
  18. I

    nbt of player's tool

    Still not working: error: 'unbreakable' is not an entity type
  19. I

    nbt of player's tool

    That is not the problem ! Even if it was wrong that was a minecraft problem and not skript ! anyways i fixed and still gave me error
  20. I

    nbt of player's tool

    Ok sorry: Skript version: 2.2 Skript author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.8 (spigot) Code: on right click with diamond pickaxe on player: if player is holding diamond pickaxe named "&9&lPickaxe" with lore "||&7Right click on a Player||&7to transform this tool||&7into a &9&lSword"...