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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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    How to determine the number of animals at the specified coordinates

    I used a translator. The number of cattle will continue to be zero when coded below. What should I do? %{;;s}% is # options: prefix: &eAnimal&f> command /animal [<text>]: permission: lom.op trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} /animal wand &c->...
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    I want all items to be stored in variables when I die.

    If die, you want all the items of the dead person to be saved in the variable, or all items in the box.
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    Solved I want to show the variable top5 ranking on the scoreboard.

    I want to show the nickname of the person in top5 who has the point variable on the scoreboard.
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    When I eat pork, I want each item in lore to be represented.

    on eat of raw pork: if player's tool's name is "Money": set {_돈1} to 1st line of tool's lore replace all "Time : " with "" in {_Money1} send "%{_Money1}%" raw pork lore is Time : 1day 2hour 3min 4sec I want it to look like this: 1 2 3 4 Using a translator...
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    drop item not working

    This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-208-ge0f2e95 (MC: 1.7.10) (Implementing API version 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) This is because in Korea 1.7.10 is used a lot.
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    drop item not working

    oh.. i'm not working.. no error message is shown. my minecraft version 1.7.10 skript version 2.2
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    drop item not working

    i'm not working
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    drop item not working

    on death of a player: set {_약탈} to level of looting of attacker's tool set {_약탈} to {_약탈}+1 set {_s} to 240*{_약탈} set {_m} to round down ( {_s} / 60 ) set {_s} to {_s} - ( {_m} * 60 ) set {_h} to round down ( {_m} / 60 ) set {_m} to {_m} - ( {_h} * 60 ) set {_d}...
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    drop item not working

    not working..
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    drop item not working

    I am not good at English and I use a translator. I did not understand your words well.
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    drop item not working

    on death of a player: drop 1 at victim's location not working..
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    Solved Can not use a variable in the permission message?

    I load the variable through the config.yml file. Therefore, the options function can not be used.
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    Solved Can not use a variable in the permission message?

    set {no permission message} to "You do not have permission." Command /gm [<text>] [<player>]: Description: Sets the game mode. Usage: /gm <mode> <player> Executable by: players and console permission: op.op permission message: {no permission message} The message is...