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  1. Gryphon2029

    Smelter's pickaxe remake

  2. Gryphon2029

    Smelter's pickaxe remake

    I might rewrite some of it its kinda unoptimized.
  3. Gryphon2029

    Smelter's pickaxe remake

    idk just as k me 4 stuff on this thread
  4. Gryphon2029

    How would I create a double damage effect

    no the code he provided is correct, he's not damaging the victim but changing the damage of the sword. I don't know if the command will be executed before the event triggers though.
  5. Gryphon2029

    I want to add a cooldown to this script

    havent tested on rightclick: player is holding a netherite sword if difference between now and metadata tag "COOLDOWN" of player is less than 30 seconds: message "&fWait %round(difference between now and metadata tag "COOLDOWN" of player)% seconds before use again!" to player...
  6. Gryphon2029

    Help with tiers/lp group skript

    no idea if this plugin still works but
  7. Gryphon2029

    Smelter's pickaxe remake

    sorry didn't see that, add this to the script. also haven't tested so tell me if anything works weird or doesn't work on death: victim is a mob attacker is a player set {_n} to nbt compound of attacker's tool int tag "Smelter" of {_n} is 1 if victim is a sheep: drop...
  8. Gryphon2029

    Expensive Death

    o yea
  9. Gryphon2029

    Smelter's pickaxe remake

    haven't tested tell me if you have any problems on mine: event-block is coal ore, deepslate coal ore, iron ore, deepslate iron ore, gold ore, deepslate gold ore, copper ore, or deepslate copper ore set {_n} to nbt compound of player's tool int tag "Smelter" of {_n} is 1 gamemode...
  10. Gryphon2029

    Expensive Death

    on death of a player: set {_bal} to victim's balance * 0.2 remove {_bal} from the victim's balance if attacker is a player: send "&7You've lost %{_bal}% from %attacker's name%" stop send "&7You've lost %{_bal}%"
  11. Gryphon2029

    If player drops amount of item?

    you also need to think about item combining
  12. Gryphon2029

    Skript with modded items

    idk much about modded items but you set a slot in an inventory you didn't declare or use (gunstore). Also you set {_item1} to a string and idk if skript has item casting.
  13. Gryphon2029

    HELP! Private SMP skript needed!

    you shouldn't use console commands because other plugins can interfere
  14. Gryphon2029

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    whachu mean and
  15. Gryphon2029

    Help with the script

    I haven't tested this code but I tried to fix your code. some issues to point out were trying to add items to a non list variable (ex: {notlistvar} {islistvar::*}). also you shiffled your varialbe incorrectly and tried to set multiple slots at once (idk if you can do that but that's not how if...
  16. Gryphon2029

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    what server version are you using
  17. Gryphon2029

    HELP! Private SMP skript needed!

    you cant make custom potion effects through skript. I could make it so its just an action bar telling you?
  18. Gryphon2029

    Detecting if a block is in a world guard region

    regions are defined by the region expression, not dynamic expressions. The correct usage would be to cast the region to a string and compare it to another string like this: on break of stone: if "%region at player%" is "stonemine": set {_f} to level of fortune on player's tool if...
  19. Gryphon2029

    Can someone fix this dash skript?

    on rightclick: name of player's tool is "golden hoe" Dash(player)
  20. Gryphon2029

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    on rightclick: name of player's tool is "golden hoe" Dash(player)