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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Scholler

    I want to enchant slot item
  2. Scholler

    I want to enchant slot item

  3. Scholler

    repeated characters

    ,,repeated characters'' you mean like ,,aa'' or ,,a somethingelse a andeven this''? You can always loop through the message to get all characters
  4. Scholler

    Parsed As a Number Not Working????

    Please try what I have suggested in my previous reply. I think it can be 0 for two reasons: Couldn't parse the number, or it's really not a number.
  5. Scholler

    Parsed As a Number Not Working????

    Well first of all broadcast whats line 1 of held item's lore to regex replace all "cm" with "" in held item's lore.
  6. Scholler

    Parsed As a Number Not Working????

    Okay, so are there quotes in the lore itself? There really shouldn't be. You can set lore without quotes. EDIT: This works fine for me. command /test: trigger: set lore of held item to "1" set {_lore} to line 1 of held item's lore parsed as a number broadcast "%{_lore} +...
  7. Scholler

    Solved Lore to number please help.

    If a string has " in it you can use replace. Otherwise you can use set {xyz} to {abc} parsed as a number.
  8. Scholler

    Solved Skript ERROR help pls

    Found this, but you can search the net by yourself.. Just type 1.8.8 skript.
  9. Scholler

    Solved Skript ERROR help pls

    Well, as you can clearly see on the message: Your Minecraft version or server software appears to be unsopported by Skript (bensku's version). Currently only supported servers are Spigot and its forks for Minecraft 1.9 or newer. Two possibilities: 1. Try finding another version of Skript...
  10. Scholler

    Solved Skript ERROR help pls

    Hello! I don't understand why you don't even read the error message. It says you have the wrong Skript version for your MC server version. Please try downloading a Skript version that is compatible with your MC server's version, and then if the error still persists, update your post.
  11. Scholler


    You pointed me to this Discussion, so I write the problem here again: Events doesn't seem to work, like it didn't even register any new events. I tried on tnt prime and on elytra boost, I got an error saying can't understand this event.
  12. Scholler

    Help GPS

    Contact the author of the GPS plugin and ask him to help you. Unfortunately I have to tell you that your English is bad and personally I can't even understand what you really want. Please check this sub forum on SkUnity and write a thread there. The docs is still there tho.. Search the net, or...
  13. Scholler

    Help GPS

    Hi! Personally I can't help you with this one because I have no idea how to do this. It is possible that there is no addon to do that (didn't find anything in docs), you may have to write a plugin / request one. But I'll let you search the net.
  14. Scholler

    Pls help me fix this error

    No, no one is going to spoonfeed you here! Check the docs I already linked in my last post.
  15. Scholler

    Pls help me fix this error

    Next time post the error. Line 16, there is no ,,arg-1''. To get the player use %player%. Also you're missing the asterick : from line 14. Also there's no <sender> argument type. I won't completely fix this for you.. Docs link here.
  16. Scholler

    Help GPS

    Hello, you won't learn if people spoonfeed you. Post the code you have tried. Search the docs, it is free for everyone :'D
  17. Scholler

    Solved How do I do this?

    Hi, I have already solved it. Btw "and" should be "or".
  18. Scholler

    Solved How do I do this?

    so lets say I have options: dangerousperms: "*", "essentials.*" or "worldedit.*" And I have this check if check [player has permission {@dangerousperms}] -> [{@permcheck} is true]: Is it possible to get which permission does the player have without more IFs ?
  19. Scholler

    how would I do {@text%{number}%}?

    options: text.1: asd how would I do this set {number} to 1 broadcast "{@text.{number}}"
  20. Scholler

    Solved on step(ping) on barrier not working.

    Cool, most likely the problem is in the aliases.