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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N1ghtc1

    Script [DISKY] Discord Link System 1.0

    Discord Link System this script will allow players in your server to link their Discord with their Minecraft accounts in your discord server, its pretty simple and easy to use, can be also used as a verification system. Commands /link - will generate a code and send it to the player, and...
  2. N1ghtc1

    Script [DISKY] Discord Link System

    Discord Link System this script will allow players in your server to link their Discord with their Minecraft accounts in your discord server, its pretty simple and easy to use, can be also used as a verification system. Commands /link - will generate a code and send it to the player, and...
  3. N1ghtc1

    (SOLVED) clearing all blocks a player placed on death

    wouldn't it be better if you added the location of the placed block to {concrete::%player's uuid%::*}, then in a death event you loop that variable and set the location of the placed block to glass if that location still has the block placed
  4. N1ghtc1

    Script Survival System

    N1ghtc1 submitted a new resource: Survival System - tpa, home, pm, global, whisper, pvp toggle Read more about this resource...
  5. N1ghtc1

    Script Survival System pre-1.4

    Survival System is a script that includes a few useful commands for survival servers Requirements the latest version of Skript plugin minecraft 1.16.5 or Newer General Commands /sethome (to set your home location) /home (to teleport to your home) /tpa <player> (send a teleport request...