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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance - [4.0.2] Refactoring and syntax updates

    - Updated the PlaceholderAPI integration to the new addon syntax - Refactored the code - GUI function is now a local function to improve compatibility with other scripts - Some changes to improve code readability Required skript-placeholder version: 1.7.0+
  2. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance

    NixNux123 updated Lightweight Maintenance with a new update entry: [4.0.2] Refactoring and syntax updates Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance

    NixNux123 updated Lightweight Maintenance with a new update entry: Fixxed Typo Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance - Fixxed Typo

    Fixxed Typo
  5. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance

    What is your Problem there? I could replace every "and" with an comma apart the last one.
  6. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance

    NixNux123 submitted a new resource: Lightweight Maintenance - A lightweight Maintenance System that is 99% configurable with PlaceholderAPI Integration Read more about this resource...
  7. NixNux123

    Script Lightweight Maintenance 4.0.2

    A lightweight Maintenance System that is 99% configurable with PlaceholderAPI Integration. Commands (Permissions can be configured in the File): /maintenance | Opens an Gui /maintenance toggle | Enables or Disables the maintenance --kickall | Kicks every player that doesn't have the bypass...