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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. WhiteWolf

    the chainsaw man pfp :ooo

    the chainsaw man pfp :ooo
  2. WhiteWolf

    Solved Blind item

    That applies blindness to them for 5 minutes. Use apply blindness to loop-player for 10 seconds # applies blindness for 10 seconds to use it for a shorter amount of time.
  3. WhiteWolf

    Solved Blind item

    Could you elaborate more about what you mean by the title, "Blind item"?
  4. WhiteWolf

    CherryLite | Survival + Skript

    CherryLite | Survival + Skript
  5. WhiteWolf

    hello there, remember when I made easyverify a while ago? (around march this year) - version...

    hello there, remember when I made easyverify a while ago? (around march this year) - version 2.0.0 is almost done, and i've completely reworked how it is :D
  6. WhiteWolf

    Tablisknu Array Errors

    Hello! I've been using Tablisknu on my server for array tablists, and it's been working well so far, until I tried setting a tab's icon: command /array: trigger: enable array tablist for player set display name of tab 1, 1 for player to "&bFortunit &d&lBETA" set icon...
  7. WhiteWolf

    The Scarf Network | Follow us on Twitter for updates at @PlayScarf

    The Scarf Network | Follow us on Twitter for updates at @PlayScarf
  8. WhiteWolf

    auto update lore?

    This hasn't been tested yet, but it'd probably look something like.. every 1 real tick: # event not yet tested loop all players: if loop-player is holding wood: set lore of loop-player's tool to "&fUpdated wood"
  9. WhiteWolf

    auto update lore?

    That's a bit odd in my opinion, since instead you're removing the block and adding a new one with new lore. I feel like the set lore effect works better here: set lore of player's tool to "&fUpdated wood" # tested on 2.5.3 You could put this into in a loop all players loop, and put that in an...
  10. WhiteWolf

    preset tp command

    If you want to do something simple, say, teleporting them to an already set location, you can do command /start: trigger: teleport player to location(0, 60, 0 in world "world") # not tested This is sort of a "bonus," but if you want your players to be able to set their own...
  11. WhiteWolf

    Script EasyVerify 1.0.0

    EASYSKRIPT EasyVerify Skripts by Akuro INFORMATION WHAT? EASTER EGG EasyVerify is a script created by WhiteWolf (aka Akuro) that was made to try and stop bots that spam/use the chat. It is the first script in the EasySkript family. SYNTAX & COMMANDS HOW? EASTER EGG 2 /verify (code) - Verify...
  12. WhiteWolf


    EASYSKRIPT EasyVerify Skripts by Akuro INFORMATION WHAT? EASTER EGG EasyVerify is a script created by WhiteWolf (aka Akuro) that was made to try and stop bots that spam/use the chat. It is the first script in the EasySkript family. SYNTAX & COMMANDS HOW? EASTER EGG 2 /verify (code) - Verify...
  13. WhiteWolf

    EasySkript | Easily upgrade your server.

    EasySkript | Easily upgrade your server.
  14. WhiteWolf

    The Guardian Network | PVP, enhanced.

    The Guardian Network | PVP, enhanced.
  15. WhiteWolf

    Solved player's prefix

    They're looking how to use a prefix from an outlying plugin, not create one with Skript. Your example would show [prefix] akurx: sample text
  16. WhiteWolf

    help me run this skript as op

    Any errors on reload? (/sk reload) If not, I can only assume that the server program you host with makes /world an operator command. You can use the "teleport player" syntax instead, like shown below. # SYNTAX FOR SPAWN POINTS teleport player to the spawn point of "world" # SYNTAX FOR SPECIFIC...
  17. WhiteWolf

    Solved player's prefix

    The issue is most likely that Vault (Plugin, you can find it here) is not installed. Once you do that, it should be working.
  18. WhiteWolf

    Effect while holding item

    This works for me: every 3 real seconds: loop all players: if loop-player is holding a iron sword named "&eSpeedster Sword": apply speed 2 to loop-player for 9999 seconds wait 1 tick remove speed from loop-player
  19. WhiteWolf

    Solved Scoreboard Skript

    I know how to fix that, and I'm in the process of doing it already. I can explain to you why, if you want
  20. WhiteWolf


    I use SkQuery for tablist names :P