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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager - Updated File Name

    This update was to update the file extention.
  2. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager

    darkwolfie37 updated Chat Manager with a new update entry: Updated File Name Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager - v1.1 - Updated Dependencies

    Using skript-reflect instead of TuSKe
  4. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager

    darkwolfie37 updated Chat Manager with a new update entry: v1.1 - Updated Dependencies Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager v1.1

    Chat Manager Powerful Chat for any Server! Required Plugins: Skript-Reflect - Only for Hex Support. Vault Skript Commands: KEY: [] - Variables not required <> - Variable/Argument /staffchat [<messgae>] Aliases: /sc, /staffc, /schat, /adminchat, /achat, /ac, /adminc Use Case: Staff chat...
  6. darkwolfie37

    Script Chat Manager

    darkwolfie37 submitted a new resource: Chat Manager - A simple and sweet chat manager with staff chat support! Read more about this resource...
  7. darkwolfie37

    Script MineResetLite Manager v1.0

    MineResetLite Manager Created by DarkWolfie Required: SkBee MineResetLite Skript This Skript was made for managing BoxPVP servers With Ease when managing MineResetLite. This replaces the /mrl command from MineResetLite with autocomplete (somewhat) Commands: /mrl this command is up to 5 or 6...
  8. darkwolfie37

    Script MineResetLite Manager

    darkwolfie37 submitted a new resource: MineResetLite Manager - A simple tab complete and command handler for MineResetLite. Read more about this resource...