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    Formatting a timespan

    MirrorUtils also has timespan format code
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    Solved Multi-page /hist command

    I just did a division by page_size rounded up, to find the maximum amt of pages, then offset the start index to arg-2 (<number=1>) to arg-2*10, if arg-2 is not 1, if it is then i didnt do a multiplication, then I looped (pagesize) times, checking if the index is set, if it isnt the loop stops...
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    Solved Multi-page /hist command

    I was thinking about that, and I solved my problem the moment i created this post :/
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    Solved Multi-page /hist command

    command /history [<text>]: permission: history.use permission message: {@prefix} {@permission_message} trigger: if {uuid::%arg-1%} is set: send "{@prefix} &c--- &7[Logs for %{ign::%{uuid::%arg-1%}%}%] &c---" set {_index} to 0 loop...
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    Solved #s in regular skript

  6. S

    Solved #s in regular skript

    So doubling the # symbol prevents them from breaking your code
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    Solved #s in regular skript

    Im trying to get a code, that replaces "<##" with "&#" in a text, but due to how Hashtags work, it is not working
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    Solved #s in regular skript

    replace all ">" with "" in {_name} replace all "<##" with "&#" in {_name} This is code I use, and it doesn't allow #s, what character should I use to prevent these #s from actually working, since Skript thinks im using hidden text (# msg) instead of running code around it
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    Mark this as solved. Also does any1 actually believe this dude is 23 x_x
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    Solved How do you send a look-at packet?

    Please mark this as "solved"
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    Formatting a timespan

    (If you are not going to give the ACTUAL ANSWER, don't respond) Skript's auto format timespan is awful, having "x days x.x hours" or "x hours x.x minutes" is completely useless and doesn't tell anything about timespans. How would I convert this to "x d x h x m x s" or "x h x m x s", or "x d"
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    gui logs

  13. S

    gui logs

    I don't want a paragraph of a completely different topic. M8 I appreciate the opinion but that 1: explains it, but doesn't do it and 2 is changing the topic to "You COULD" instead of "The solution is"
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    Solved Command to show other admins someone is using worldedit

    sure! Here is a worldeditlogger skript, but CoreProtect also has this. On command: if the command contains "/": loop all players: if loop-player has permission "skript.wea": send "&c&lADMIN &6➲ %player% is using worldedit! /%full command%" to...
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    Pay by card [Roleplay Server]

    Don't you think it would be somewhat smart to check premade plugins. Also, this type of skript would most definately be paid > The above resource does what you want
  16. S

    Is it possible to pass on an argument in Skript?

    ``` command /vanillagive [<text>]: trigger: make player execute "/minecraft:give %arg-1%" ``` Since the arg-1 is optional, but is mandatory in Vanillas /give command, you will recieve any usage from that command
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    defining variables as the result of cmds (NEED HELP PLEASE HELP)

    He's having an issue with getting the player's essentialsX (Vault) balance, not a Skript custom currency.
  18. S

    defining variables as the result of cmds (NEED HELP PLEASE HELP)

    well, if you are using Essentials and Vault, Ersatz has a line of code that can help. ```typescript set {_bal1} to placeholder "%%vault_eco_balance%%" ``` ^ Assuming u want {_bal1} to be the balance of player