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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. FrostPVP™️

    Help me fix

    on command /spawn: if {CombatTIme%player%} is not 0: cancel event send "" to player send "&cYou can't use commands in combat" send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" on leave: if player does not have permission "": if {CombatLog%player%}...
  2. FrostPVP™️

    Skript Help

    Can someone make a combatlog skript? I need it so they can't teleport anywhere and if they log out they die I also need a bypass and you can make the permission whatever you want I want there to be a 10 second wait time for when people get tagged
  3. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript

    So when a new player joins the skript makes there name light-gray
  4. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript

    I need a skript where every time a new player joins It makes there name Light-gray &7
  5. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Thank you I've been trying to get a /warn skript for like... FOREVER Thank you very much :)))))))))))
  6. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript
  7. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    LOL nvm I do have access to the console because I'm using a different gmail with a different password I'm so dumb O Oh wait... omg whatever
  8. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    no I'm grounded :( u can join tho wait... I'm not signed in D:
  9. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    I literally don't know LMFAO
  10. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

  11. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Thank you :) Can you help me learn skript?
  12. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Just incase... for reasons If one of the staff wants to punish them even more for have a bunch of warns and can you make the /check warns broardcast?
  13. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Do you want anything when your done?
  14. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    This is AWESOME did you add /clearwarns and /unwarn?
  15. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Thank you very much <3
  16. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    Boardcast to the whole server please <3
  17. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    continue <3 - /warn, /unwarn, /clearwarns, checkwarns permission - /unwarn <player> Add pls :) <!> BumpV2 <!> <!> BumpV3 <!>
  18. FrostPVP™️

    Can you change your settings so I can "Start a Conversation"

    Can you change your settings so I can "Start a Conversation"
  19. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    I need a /warn skript for my new server Please add: - /warn <player> <reason> - /warn message: send: "&aYou have successfully warned <player>" - /warn, /unwarn, /clearwarns, checkwarns permission - /unwarn <player> - /unwarn Message send: "&aYou have successfully unwarned...
  20. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a combat log skript

    Thank you :)