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  1. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    i coded it myself so its fine , back then i was terrible at skript but i learned now also the levels skript only works on below 1.20.1
  2. Yushaa

    Can someone add a cooldown to this i've tried nearly everything

    Code: on sneak toggle: player is wearing elytra push player upwards at speed 2 send action bar "&eUsed Voyager Boost | &cCD: &a15s" on right click: player is wearing elytra push player forwards at speed 2 send action bar "&eUsed Voyager Dash |...
  3. Yushaa

    Help with custom SMP Skript

    No i've already set that up what i mean is like, they right click it to stash it where they get the effects & stuff but if they want to get the items back they do /withdrawrogue invis but what i want it to do is make it so they cant withdraw the invis rogue without having a specific variable on...
  4. Yushaa

    Help with custom SMP Skript

    I'm trying to make it so u need a specific variable to be true to be able to withdraw the invis rogue so people cant withdraw it without having the variable on their player [it'd be nice if it said an error message too but its not needed] command /withdrawrogue <text>: trigger: if...
  5. Yushaa

    I need someone to make a skript for my SMP!

    Upon killing a player they drop an item called a "Rune" and when the player right clicks the Rune, they gain a random positive permanent effect they cannot lose even after dying. the only way to get rid of it is if the player does "/withdrawrune" which gives them the embued rune veil. The player...
  6. Yushaa

    lifesteal sort of skript help

    Just use a lives plugin
  7. Yushaa

    Offering [FREE] developer for any server you may need

    Hey is this offer still up? its fine if not INFO: i wont be asking for too much just occasional help with certain skripts since im still relatively new to skripting but i can still do stuff decently on my own Also thank you alot, u've helped me with a lot of previous skripts in the past which...
  8. Yushaa

    Can someone add an actionbar cooldown to this [instead of a normal cooldown]

    on sneak toggle: name of player's tool is "&dʙᴏɴᴇ ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ": player has player's tool on cooldown: stop else: set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 180 seconds make player execute command "manatest" send actionbar "&b-150 Mana"...
  9. Yushaa

    Warden sonic boom item

    oAcidic you arent safe. i remember you from levelsgen.
  10. Yushaa

    Help with tiers/lp group skript

    Im trying to make it so when the player does /tier [player name] it shows the person's luckperms group command /tier [<player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: message "&9%player% tier is &6group of %player%" to player
  11. Yushaa

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    Like, the giant sword spawns where the player is looking ONTOP of the fact it has a configurable cooldown
  12. Yushaa

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    1.19.4 and 1.20.1
  13. Yushaa

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    Ty also this might seem desperate but can u also fix this skript for me? I need it so the giant spawns where the player is looking and has a configurable cooldown. If you dont want to its fine :D # Sounds success: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 to the...
  14. Yushaa

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    Bro he definitely is NOT doing allat :emoji_skull:
  15. Yushaa

    Can someone add onto this skript?

    Can someone make it so this dash skript dashes the player based on the name of the tool their using instead of the item? on rightclick with a gold hoe: Dash(player) function Dash(p: player): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid if {dash.last::%{_u}%} is set: set {_wait} to difference between...
  16. Yushaa

    Can someone fix this dash skript?

    Can someone make it so this dash skript dashes the player based on the name of the tool their using instead of the item? on rightclick with a gold hoe: Dash(player) function Dash(p: player): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid if {dash.last::%{_u}%} is set: set {_wait} to...
  17. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    bro did NOT try it out [no toxicity lol]
  18. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    Alright :)
  19. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    It works but i have a question, can you code a domain expansion item for me? its fine if u say no How it works: Ender eye that if you hit someone with it, it teleports them to the designated area. in more detail, What i want is that if you hit someone with an endereye it broadcasts ''%player%...
  20. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    When i run the command to give myself it, it doesnt give me and just says ''available items: xpbanisher, lvlstealer and crown''