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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. M

    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    @HiddenDev I'm talking about the NBT
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    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    hmm SkStuff looks like its been abandoned. Any alternatives? What should i do..
  3. M

    NBT Crashing 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 ?

    make a gui slot 40 of player with player's skull with nbt "{display:{Name:""Testing""},SkullOwner:{Id:""%{_uuid}%"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""%{_value}%""}]}}}" with lore "||Testing" to run: broadcast "Testing" It crashes for 1.8.9, 1.9, 1.10 It works for 1.11, 1.12 Here...
  4. M

    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    It crashes for 1.8.9, 1.9, 1.10 It works for 1.11, 1.12 @HackerOTVW, @Donut Here is the error log from Minecraft Game output when opening the GUI with the NBT head on 1.10.2: 10:42:43 bcx Reported exception thrown! f: Rendering item at bnz.a(SourceFile:1088) at...
  5. M

    Addon SkWaze

    Well done, sorry for being mean earlier i just had a bad day. Could you make bossbars 1.8 though? It'd be amazing. (For people who can't use skellett bossbar because 1.8)
  6. M

    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    [15:48:26 ERROR]: ':{Name:""Test""},SkullOwner:{Id:""97d1ca03-8958-4dea-80fa-f4019ebb5d51"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""%{_value}%""}]}}}" with lore "awesome" to run' is not a valid item data (, line 14: format gui slot 3 of player with {_pplayer}'s skull with nbt...
  7. M

    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    Guys, I need the Texture Value of the player. Texture Values look like this: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ== But I'm not sure how to get it.
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    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    @HackerOTVW it works now, but i want to put "Herobrine"'s head (i still want to keep the nbt stuff, i just want to know how i can get the Texture Value of "Herobrine" and place it in the NBT)
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    set player's displayed skin to {_skin} broadcast "%{_skin}%" the player's skin can't be set to anything
  10. M


    How do I get player's Skin Texture value and then broadcast it?
  11. M

    How to add skulls/heads to GUI?

    Hello, this does not work it give error ':{Name:""Oak Wood Arrow...
  12. M

    SkDragon Particles @LimeGlass
  13. M

    Music Discs

    How do you play a Minecraft music to a player but without the near feature, so it won't stop after you go 10 blocks away from the location? I tried with /Playsound but if you move 10 blocks away the music dissapears. Please help.
  14. M

    SkDragon Particles

    Hello, Can anyone improve this code for me because my Gun effect is bad. loop integers from 0.1 to 10: set {_loopvalue} to location of block loop-value in front of player add 1 to y coords of {_loopvalue} drawDot count 1, particle "redstone", center {_loopvalue}...