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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Solved JSON text to colored string

    You saved my life. Thank you <3
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    Solved JSON text to colored string

    So the code I have is the following private ProtocolManager protocolManager; public void onEnable() { protocolManager = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager(); protocolManager.addPacketListener(new PacketAdapter(this, PacketType.Play.Server.CHAT) { @Override...
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    Solved Anyone remember HookSk?

    Ya I know that and I'm not gonna use it Just because my old script uses hooksk and now I am gonna code my script in java just wanna know what tricks hooksk used to detect plugin messages That's why i need hooksk
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    Solved Anyone remember HookSk?

    Thank you sooooo much <3 <3
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    Solved Anyone remember HookSk?

    im sure that it exists it is a pretty old plugin when bukkit forum is still exist also one of my old skript based on it just i cant find it anymore and i dun have a copy of it
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    Solved Anyone remember HookSk?

    Do anyone remember HookSk? I am looking for the download link But it seems like being removed So I would like to ask do anyone have the download link/ .jar file? The reason that I want to find this plugin because I remember that it has a feature that detects every message sent by plugin to...
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    unrestricted size description field

    As you can see, the right bottom corner's triangle label (is that really a label? I dont know) is to modify the height of the description field. But it's size is restricted So I recommend this field can expand unrestricted Sorry for my bad english...I am from Hong Kong
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    Oh yeah my first plugin Um...This is my first plugin, and I am learnt how to code java plugin in the past 3 days. After a bunch of googling and watching tutorials, I did IT!!!!!! YEAH So, anyone got any suggestion for my...
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    Are you kidding me?

    Nothing to say, just take a look at this
  10. I

    Script RewardMan | give your players a daily and monthly reward - Download source update

    Since is not an approved source to download resources. I updated the download source.
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    Script Lobby Preferences | Inventory GUI preferences - Download source update

    Since is not an approved source to download resources. I updated the download source.
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    Script Maze Challenge | Challenge yourself | Best Time calculation | Hologram Support - Download source update

    Since is not an approved source to download resources. I updated the download source.
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    Script Process Bar | Make a process bar with different type - Download source update

    Since is not an approved source to download resources. I updated the download source.
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    Script Warning System | Multi line ban message support | built-in ban system - Download source update

    Since is not an approved source to download resources. I updated the download source.
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    Script RewardMan | give your players a daily and monthly reward

    i998979 submitted a new resource: RewardMan | give your players a daily and monthly reward - Daily Reward, Monthly Reward, Votifier, NPC support Rewarding System Read more about this resource...
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    Script Lobby Preferences | Inventory GUI preferences

    i998979 submitted a new resource: Lobby Preferences | Inventory GUI preferences - Let your player to configure the settings with easy GUI Read more about this resource...
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    Script Maze Challenge | Challenge yourself | Best Time calculation | Hologram Support

    i998979 submitted a new resource: Maze Challenge | Challenge yourself | Best Time calculation | Hologram Support - Challenges like a famous server Read more about this resource...
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    Script Process Bar | Make a process bar with different type

    i998979 submitted a new resource: Process Bar | Make a process bar with different type - Make different layout skills cooldown with simple command Read more about this resource...
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    Script Warning System | Multi line ban message support | built-in ban system

    i998979 submitted a new resource: Warning System | Multi line ban message support | built-in ban system - Give your player a warning if they do something wrong Read more about this resource...
  20. I

    Script RewardMan | give your players a daily and monthly reward 2.3.0

    RewardMan Daily Reward, Monthly Reward, Votifier, NPC support Rewarding System Introduction Feature Future Plan Screenshot Test Server (My own server :emoji_grinning: ) ...If you used this in your sevrer, please pm me your server ip and i will add it here...