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  1. DanRub

    saving lines of code

    Hey, only solution i can think of rn is this: loop integers from 0 to 44: if loop-value is not 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 or 34: set slot loop-value of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane
  2. DanRub

    How to make the console an ingame command

    Hey, i believe you are trying to do this: command /console <string>: trigger: execute console command "%arg-1%"
  3. DanRub

    Developer for hire

    Hey, depends on how hard the codes will be.. I can surely do some easier skripts for free, but some harder it will be from like 3 and up usd, like i said it depends how hard the code will be.. If you want, you can add me on discord for some closer informations my discord: danrub
  4. DanRub

    Detect if a list contains another list

    Hey, hm, im wondering how you can do it, maybe you can try it like you loop those lists and then split both loop-values at integer or space or whatever will be easier, and check if those splits matches, if yes then the list contains required item. It will probably have easier solution, but i...
  5. DanRub

    I get this error when I try to reload scripts: "Can't understand this section: on placeholderapi request for the prefix "rp""

    Hey, uhm im not sure if you know how the placeholders works, because placeholder is calling everytime when he is in use. Also the on placeholderapi request for the prefix "rp": Is event in inself.. - That means when you want to use placeholder it should look like this: on placeholderapi request...
  6. DanRub

    Tablist Prefixes

    Hi, Im not sure, you are creating a whole prefix your self in skript, or you are using luckperms to that and only handling the lp prefixes with skript in tab? if its the first case, have you tried this?
  7. DanRub

    Need help with Lifesteal Skript

    I dont undestand your code at all, i can help you, if you explain what EXACTLY should the command do.. Your code is really messy and i cant tell what are you trying to do. Also PLEASE use the code format, because this is horrible..
  8. DanRub

    compare a player with

    I think what you are trying to do is if {ready::%uuid of player%} is set: or something like that, because that one you have right here is nonsense, but i would need to know what are you trying to do with the whole code so i can actually help you out.
  9. DanRub

    lifesteal sort of skript help

    Hi, can you add me on discord so I can get more information about this, without waiting for response in here? my discord: danrub
  10. DanRub

    Developer for hire

    Hi, im looking for developing a server for someone, im experienced developer, if someone need to help with skripts, just lmk in this post.
  11. DanRub

    giving random items from a list

    Could you maybe be more specific please. You can add items to list like this set {apple} to apple and then you can add this apple to the list like this add {apple} to {list::*} If you do it like this you will have var with value of apple inside of list which you can later use on whatever.
  12. DanRub

    Making a cooldown that shows on an action bar

  13. DanRub

    Solved Autocompressor that works when in offhand

    Wait, where did you get loop-player's offhand tool when you didnt loop anyone in the first place..
  14. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Dont forget to mark this post as solved
  15. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Yes, it is but you are missing "is" in your line so it will be if block under player is not gold block:
  16. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    while boots of player is {customitems::flyboots}: if block under player not gold block: set block under player to gold block wait 0.2 seconds smth like that
  17. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Its probably because of the while loop you have there in the on armor change event. Try adding a wait time.
  18. DanRub

    It reloads with no errors but the player head wont show up

    just remove the "_" at the beginning of the variable. so instead of {_uuid} it will be {uuid}
  19. DanRub

    arg not registering

    Okay, Im glad to hear that. Don't forget to mark this post as solved.
  20. DanRub

    arg not registering

    What error? I would also recommend you to rewrite "%arg-1% to "%uuid of arg-1%"