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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Embry_

    For some reason my code doesn't work.

    The cooldown doesn't work because it has to be inside of a command. Example: command /commandhere: cooldown: 1 minute cooldown message: You must wait %remaining time%. trigger: #do code here
  2. Embry_

    Loop Player Prefix with Luckperms

    I wouldn't recommend looping players every second. Simply, just put this code in your on join event. on join: while player is online: set {_prefix} to player's prefix set {_clan} to placeholder "simpleclans_clan_color_tag" set {_tps} to tps from the last minute...
  3. Embry_

    looking for scripters

    Oh apologizes.
  4. Embry_

    looking for scripters

    This isn't the correct forum! This is for offering, not hiring.
  5. Embry_

    Foxes are great.

    Foxes are great.
  6. Embry_

    while don't work

    It's most likely because you're not waiting. You need to put wait (seconds) seconds at the end. Replace (seconds) with your time. If this doesn't work, please send us the code.
  7. Embry_

    How to hide the player and then see him in the tab?

    I'm not sure if that's possible. Maybe try giving the user invisibility?
  8. Embry_

    Skript deposit command

    So...? What are the errors?
  9. Embry_

    mining ranks

    Why would that be better..?
  10. Embry_

    This script is to unififcient but I don't know how to make it shorter?

    Could you give us error logs for when the server crashes?
  11. Embry_

    Combat Timer

    Hello! I need help with a Combat Timer skript for my server. I've done this before but I forgot how I did it.
  12. Embry_

    GUI Issue

    Hello, I was making a GUI for my shop system & it seems to not be working. I have the TuSKe plugin as well. Code: command /shop: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&a&lRegular Shop" to player format gui slot 0 of player with leather cap of protection...
  13. Embry_

    Adding Items GUI.

    Ok, so I was making a history gui for my ban system and I want it so everytime a user is banned, it adds red wool in the /history gui with the reason and who banned the user, And if someone gets unbanned the red wool turns to green wool. Does anyone know how I would be able to do this?