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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    I need a skript

    Please mark this thread as solved. Also when asking for a Skript, please go to here"][/B][/I][/B]
  2. T

    Need Skript

    There is a request skript page, please use that! Click here!
  3. T


    Hey! Please use the CODE tags next time you post code! Can you please tell me what you are trying to make? I don't understand.
  4. T

    anything wrong with this?

    Hey there! First off here, please make sure you use the CODE tags when writing your code! - At the end of a "send" you gotta say "to player" (There are more, but player is the most common one used.). Example: send "Hello there!" to player - Try instead of "give player 32 diamonds" do...
  5. T

    TPA system

    Hello! You are on the Skript side. Im not sure if I know what you mean here! If you are asking for a skript to be made for you, please Click here!
  6. T

    On place event

    Many things here. - Its %player's region - instead of cancel event here, you'd use stop. - %block under player% doesn't exist! Try doing if block under player: - There are many instances where you are trying to end the code without doing anything. Again, try stop. When Skripting, try looking...
  7. T

    How to make a simple flying boat skript?

    No problem! Have an amazing day/night!
  8. T

    Please go to this link if youre going to ask for a code:

    Please go to this link if youre going to ask for a code:
  9. T

    help me run this skript as op

    Please send over any errors -- If any at all! Also, please use the CODE tags! If you don't know how, please click here
  10. T

    Cooldown for loops

    Question: Would "every x seconds" then the code work? I know this doesn't really have anything to do with me but I am curious!
  11. T

    permssion help

    What do you mean? Do you want the person running the command to send the player this stuff? If so, make sure to say: command /permlist: permission: default #or the permission for the player trigger: #The rest of your code here Also, if for some reason I am wrong, I...
  12. T

    How to make a simple flying boat skript?

    Hey! Sounds like youre asking for a Skript! This section is for people who need help with skripts they have created. To ask for a skript: Please click here
  13. T

    Please read my About Me before doing something with me. Thank you :D

    Please read my About Me before doing something with me. Thank you :D
  14. T

    tempban player's with skript

    Personally I just use the ban command. If you don't have it, or just want a unique ban command, refer to @Killerz1243 comment. Also, if you would like to request or ask for a skript, go to this link!
  15. T

    Custom Crafts

    Looks like you're asking for a Skript. If you aren't, I apologize. If you are, come here!
  16. T

    Loop sideways

    uhhh whhhat?
  17. T

    when you click a paper it gives you a pex permission

    Looks like you're requesting/asking for a skript. Please go to the link that Nikd0 had mentioned!
  18. T

    How to insert quotes or colons in text

    Just gotta double them like Nikd0 said! :D
  19. T

    please help me i want players who have op to bypass this chat cooldown

    Well with variables you put arguments and stuff after the variable. Like this: {variable.%player%} also tbh I'm not 100% sure what to do here.
  20. T

    Variable issue

    This is what I thought too.