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  1. J

    Custom Time Formatting

    b v2
  2. J

    Custom Time Formatting

  3. J

    1.8 Disguise

  4. J

    1.8 Disguise

    so, how would I create a disguise skript that: - completely changes the player's username (autocomplete, nametag, tablist, and uuid) - hides the original executor's username (autocomplete, nametag, tablist, and uuid) - changes the player's skin and - changes the player's cape whilst being able...
  5. J

    1.8 Disguise

    How would I fix this? also I just... prefer 1.8... idk
  6. J

    1.8 Disguise

    [16:08:11 INFO]: iLilyy issued server command: /setskin "Skeppy" [16:08:11 INFO]: [Skript] No matching non-static method: CraftPlayer#getPlayerProfile called without arguments [16:08:11 INFO]: [Skript] No matching non-static method: CraftPlayer#setPlayerProfile called with (null (Null))...
  7. J

    1.8 Disguise

  8. J

    SkBee Scoreboard Issue

    This is more of a workaround rather than a fix, but you could use something like Skellet's scoreboard syntax :p
  9. J

    Custom Time Formatting

  10. J

    1.8 Disguise

  11. J

    1.8 Disguise

    Nope, nothing happens and my console spits out the following: (I'm using Skript-2.6.5-for-1.8 + skript-reflect 2.3) don't ask why I'm using 1.8 ;-; [18:21:35 INFO]: [Skript] No matching non-static method: CraftPlayer#getPlayerProfile called without arguments [18:21:35 INFO]: [Skript] No...
  12. J

    Custom Time Formatting

    Right, so I'm making a time formatting system because I'm not really a big fan of skript's default system (annoying decimals, weird times, ex 1 year = 365 days??) but unfortunately, it isn't showing the correct time formats. [1y shows up as 1 year and 1 day, oh GOD it's a headache] /timetest is...
  13. J

    1.8 Disguise

    Category: Staff/YT(?) Utilities Suggested name: idm lmao Spigot/Skript Version: Paper 1.8.8 (445) Skript 2.6.5-for-1.8 What I want: Using Skript-reflect (because I know it's impossible to do this without it), make a skript that allows players to change their name (nametag, tab...
  14. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

  15. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    It works fine when I remove the permission check, I just need the perm check fixed :p test1 has a permission assigned, and when a player lacks the permission, I want the kit to be invisible. Unfortunately, instead, it shows up as <none>. The second issue is that once it IS removed, only 5 list...
  16. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    The problem lies in the permission check, I want each page to display 6 lines of kits. Yet, when a player lacks a permission for a kit, it doesn't show it (which is intended) displays as <none> but it doesn't show the full 6 lines. Note: ONLY TEST1 HAS A PERM SET, ALL OTHERS DO NOT. When...
  17. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    actually, here. command /kitlist [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: set {_page} to 1 else: set {_page} to arg-1 parsed as integer if {_page} is not set: set {_page} to 1 set {_cnt} to size of {kits::*} set {_pa}...
  18. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    thanks for your unwanted input!
  19. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    i don't want to leak the dang skript, can ya help me from this?
  20. J

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    Sure, else if arg-1 is "list": if arg-2 is not set: set {_page} to 1 else: set {_page} to arg-2 parsed as integer if {_page} is not set: set {_page} to 1 set...