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  1. G

    Sign GUI input (1.12)

    Category: Suggested name: SignGUI What I want: A GUI that will pop up for user to input information, when users click "done" a command will be executed with the info they entered. (1.12) Ideas for commands: /sign Ideas for permissions: none When I'd like it by: any time I tried searching...
  2. G

    right click event within a gui

    What I want: right click on an item WITHIN the GUI that triggers a command Ideas for commands: None Ideas for permissions: None When I'd like it by: Any time This example doesn't work:
  3. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    Thank you so much, it worked :D
  4. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    Ty I’ll try it as soon as I get home :D Just asking 1 more question, because I am using the variable in a command, is that possible?
  5. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    command /test <text>: trigger: open an anvil gui named "Test" to player with default text "Write what you want!" on close anvil gui named "Test": broadcast "%arg-1% %event-text%!"
  6. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    Well I am make the code right now, cuz it’s ez I can*
  7. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    I looked for help at home
  8. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    I am not at home :( I am using my iPad, it doesn’t have my code
  9. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    Like I’ve said, i’m a Skript noob. I used th exact example code except changing some text XD Like adding arg 1 in the command, that’s basically all
  10. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    O k. So is there any way doing it? Like creating a txt file(don’t know if it’s even possible) called ban wave,and on anvil close ban those players in the banwave
  11. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    I need arg-1 at on anvil close event
  12. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

  13. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    I am not rlly at home, i’m Typing on my iPad. But I used WolvSK as my Addon and their example for an anvil GUI I’ll link the example for u later, I’ve currently got McDonald’s Internet
  14. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    I tried using a variable, but I failed :( because the first event is triggered by a command, and that’s when arg-1 is recorded.
  15. G

    Solved How to use arg-1 for the next paragraph?

    how to use the same argument (arg-1) from the first event in the second event? for example, this command /anvil <player> will open up an anvil GUI. (<--- first event). on close anvil GUI (<----- second event), arg-1 from the first event can't be used anymore. sorry, i'm a skript noob. Edit...
  16. G

    Experienced Developer

    A clickable book GUI that supports colors? when clicking on a text that was set up correctly in the book, it will execute a command. 1.8 please Thanks :emoji_grinning: Edit: a command would trigger the book GUI
  17. G

    Sign GUI for user input.

    I tried both :( Anywayz, he added me :D
  18. G

    Sign GUI for user input.

    Ok thank you soo much! :’) I’lol add you tomorrow :D Hmmmm.... this is awkward :\
  19. G

    Sign GUI for user input.

    ok. first of all, thanks for your help, I really appreciated it <3, but I sucked at skript (or programming). what I'm trying to make is a BanGUI where if the admin clicks on an item named "Ban Player", it will pop up with the sign GUI. Code: format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&c&lBan...
  20. G

    Sign GUI for user input.

    Have you searched for a resource that might have your request already? — Yes, multiple times on multiple websites. You are using the Script Request Layout that we have provided in the wiki. — Maybe not You have exhausted all options to try and create the script yourself.. — Yes Are you posting...