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  1. H


    Yes i know but that is not what i want i mean it will create a platform in the chunk so you dont have to f3+g to see the chunk and build it
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    what do you mean
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    Hey im making a skript to make it easy for a player to see a chunk so im working on the skript when you right click a item it will set one layer of glass to the nearest players chunk but right now it sets glass blocks to the whole chunks so the whole chunk will be filled will glass. but i just...
  4. H

    Solved Variable inside option

    I would make a placeholder and just replace it for your variable so something like this options: something: &ayou have /money/ dollars command /money: trigger: replace "/money/ " with "%{money::%player%}%" message "{@something}" I have no idea if this will work but try it
  5. H

    Top 10 in a gui

    Hey guys im making a cookieclicker the only thing i need is a top 10 over how many cookies players have. But i have no idea how i will do it so if anyone would like to help me would be great. Im using this veriable to store the cookies {cookies::%player%} Thank you
  6. H

    Loan system

    Hey im trying to make a loan system but i dont know a good way of doing it. right now i have made how much money you can loan and how many days you have before you have to pay back. here is my code: I only thing i need help with is the loan system so if anyone that can give me exemple of a loan...
  7. H

    Error with tuske

    oh yeah
  8. H

    Message two texts in one line

    yeah but its the same thing and eaiser
  9. H

    Message two texts in one line

    options: prefix: "&6[&4Broadcast&6]&a " Remove the quotation marks and command /broadcast <text>: trigger: broadcast "{@prefix} %arg-1%"
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    Error with tuske

    I get this error when i run this code The thing im trying to do is that im trying to auto update a gui so a veriable will update without closing the gui If anyone know a great way to do that please telle or help me with fixing the error
  11. H

    How to avoid huge .sk files?

    In java you keep your code in classes so you can have every command in one class but still be one plugin so you can do something like that in skript so if you are creating a factions skript you can have faction team system in one skript file and have the claim system in other skript file
  12. H

    Placeholderapi addon

    So you can use like %Askyblocklevel% in skript ?
  13. H

    Placeholderapi addon

    Command /something: trigger: if %placeholder% is between 100 or 99999: message "Something" on chat: Broadcast "%placeholder% %player% %placeholder%" Something like this so you can use placeholders inside skript
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    Need help looping items in a chest and removing them

    Yes thank you for your help
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    Need help making silent chest

    I need help with making a silent chest to my skirpt. silent chest is a skript where you open the chest silent without any sound hope you under stand my code: on right click holding a paper: if {} is true: cancel event show the inventory of the clicked...
  16. H

    Need help looping items in a chest and removing them

    I fixed it instead of under clicked is behind clicked block
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    Need help looping items in a chest and removing them

    Can you try and show me how to do it the right way That would be a great help
  18. H

    Need help looping items in a chest and removing them

    Didnt work can you help me fix this My code now on rightclick on a chest or trapped chest: if type of event-block is wall sign: if line 1 of event-block is "&7[&6&lChestSell&7]": set {chestloc.%player%} to location of event-block loop all items in inventory of...
  19. H

    Need help looping items in a chest and removing them

    hey im creating a chestsell skript that allow players to easy sell there loot and i dont know how to loop the items in the chest and removing them and how many items there are in the chest and what items on sign change: if line 1 is "[ChestSell]": set line 1 to...