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  1. F

    citizen damage

    hy, in this skript the last citizen suffers no damage. no error in this skript, and the {_id} is set correctly I know this because when I made the citizen say something it made the last spawned citizen to say it (aka the citizen I'm trying to make it take damage). command /testnpc <text>...
  2. F

    region bug with skript

  3. F

    region bug with skript

    okok srry. I stay awake until we solve this ahahha
  4. F

    region bug with skript

    sorry for the disturb... but this problem is soo much insistent
  5. F

    region bug with skript

    there are no errors--it simply tells me "&cNope..." (i.e., the skript response if I am neither in the region spawn, nor spawnender) It basically gives me "&cNope..." in whatever region I'm in
  6. F

    region bug with skript

    yes, but it doesn't work also this...
  7. F

    region bug with skript

    yes, but it doesn't work
  8. F

    region bug with skript

    Okay, have I replaced well the values to change? on region enter: region is spawn set {boolean} to true on region exit: region is spawn set {boolean} to false command /region: trigger: if {boolean} is true: send "&aHello!" to player else...
  9. F

    region bug with skript

    okok no problem ahahah
  10. F

    region bug with skript

    why this error? There's no world in an on region enter/leave event (, line 2121: region is spawn')
  11. F

    region bug with skript

    nope, this is the error: 'in region prova' is not an entity type (, line 2123: if player is in region prova:')
  12. F

    region bug with skript

    it doesn't work, but compared to before at least now in chat it gives me something. before it either gave me errors, or in chat it didn't respond at all
  13. F

    region bug with skript

  14. F

    region bug with skript

    ok, I modified the command, and now works: command /prova: trigger: if player is in region "spawn" or "spawnender": send "&aHello world!" to player else: send "&cNope bro" to player but even though I am in the "spawn" or "spawnender" region it keeps...
  15. F

    region bug with skript

    nope, whyyyy error: An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command. code: command /prova: trigger: if player is in region {spawn}: send "&aHello world!" to player else: send "&cNope bro" to player
  16. F

    region bug with skript

    nope, this is the error: 'of' is not a direction (, line 2123: set {_region} to region of player')
  17. F

    region bug with skript

    yes, but dont work :(
  18. F

    region bug with skript

    yes, i have skript addon. thats is all addon of skript inside my server: Skript, SkQuery, Ersatz, MundoSK, WildSkript, skUtilities, skRayFall, Umbaska, SharpSK. also, my server version is 1.8.8 if this information is helpful. code:
  19. F

    region bug with skript

    no problem man, you're not bad at all. but now i have another error: 'of' is not a direction (, line 2051: if region of player is "spawn":')
  20. F

    Solved loop between 2 locations

    thx for all, but i have find a solution. Infact, i have use the command /fill for replace the block, because in the skript I no longer entered variables or anything else, am only coordinates since I only needed it to close a gate at a certain location on the map.