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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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    Hide chat

    Please reword this I do not understand what you need
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    Solved Team Skript

    i ended up just doing it myself
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    FreezeTag MiniGame

    only problem that i can see
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    FreezeTag MiniGame

    Aright I did that but players don’t teleport when the game starts
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    FreezeTag MiniGame

    doesn't teleport players do you use /teamspawn as the 2 teams tp location right?
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    FreezeTag MiniGame

    how do i make the queue game timer to 45 seconds instead of 3 minutes? also you can still do /queue while your already in the queue and also its like each player queues for the own little game because it sends it to everybody for each player that has joined like different games...
  7. C

    FreezeTag MiniGame errors and also you can spam /queue and when 3 players did /queue nothing happened
  8. C

    FreezeTag MiniGame

    Category: Minigame Skript Suggested name: wym? of the skript? idc what you put What I want: a /queue command that queues up you for freeze tag "&7you queued for &bfreezetag!" {make sure if player quits while in queue it removes them} and when 3 players have queued at minimum the game starts...