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  1. Djavan

    Solved Remove items from inventory

    Hey y'all, I am making a system what removes items from inventory and adds items to inventory. Adding is working but removing not. The error code is below. Can someone help me with this please? I use Skript and SkQuery. Information below Skript Version: Skript 2.2-dev36 Minecraft Version...
  2. Djavan

    Solved Help with ATM System

    What do you mean with update__your_thing? I fixed the problem with a simple, add 1 to {deposit_num_of_clicks::%player%} close player's inventory wait 1 tick make player execute command "/deposit" Thanks for the help!
  3. Djavan

    Solved Help with ATM System

    Hey y'all, I made a ATM system and I want it to refresh it every time you add a amount of money. Can someone help me with this please? I use Skript and SkQuery. Information below Skript Version: Skript 2.2-dev36 Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 --- command /deposit: trigger: open chest...
  4. Djavan

    Solved Effect on Hit

    Yes, because if you named the bow it only gives slowness if you left-click someone with it. on damage: if name of projectile is "Slowness Arrow": apply slowness to victim for 2 seconds
  5. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    I fixed some issues in the skript like, getting the cheque if your balance is lower than 0 and getting the cheque if arg-1 is greater than the balance. If you want to use the skript you are free to do that. Use the skript (v.3).
  6. Djavan

    Solved Effect on Hit

    Ye sorry, I switched the two examples
  7. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    It fixed the problem, thank you so much for your time!!
  8. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    [EDIT] If I use this command: /testcheque 10
  9. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    The skript works but in chat it says:
  10. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    With or without it it still gives the same error. (BTW, I did that because I used it for every lore in my skript) I edited player (line 4 of your skript) with arg-1 but now it gives this error: > [21:42:01 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading > [21:42:02 ERROR]: the 1st argument can't have...
  11. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    Thanks, but I tested it and it gave 1 error. > [21:35:22 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading > [21:35:23 ERROR]: > [21:36:38 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading > [21:36:39 ERROR]: (lore and "%the 1st argument% ||") can't be added to a player because the former is neither an item type...
  12. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    I use SkQuery.
  13. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    Thanks for your reply! I fixed the problem with the mutiple cheques, but now I want that every player can collect a cheque from another player. Can you help me fix that?
  14. Djavan

    Solved Effect on Hit

    Use this: on damage: if name of projectile is "Wither Sword": apply wither to victim for 2 seconds [EDIT] Line 3 (victim)
  15. Djavan

    Solved Help with Cheque System

    Hey y'all, I made a Cheque system but if I use it it doesn't give you any money. The error is on 9 (make player execute command "/eco give {cheque::%player%}"). I want to have {cheque::%player%} as number. Can someone help me with this please? Information below Skript Version: Skript 2.2-dev36...
  16. Djavan

    Solved Once a life time a win

    Hey everyone! I am bussy with a script that give people things from opening crates. I want that if someone won the /launch permission command, he can't get it anymore. Can you guy's help me with this? Thanks! command /trollcrategui: trigger: set {_waited} to difference between...