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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. G

    Transfer variable

    Try this: command /transfervariabels: trigger: loop {variable1::*}: add loop-value to {variable2::*} message "&eVariable transfered!" no clue if it works though i havent tested it...
  2. G

    Detect World

    I want to create a separate world chat Skript. For that I need to detect which world the player is in. on chat: #somehow detect which world the player is in: broadcast "<%player%> %message%" to "the detected world" How can I detect which world the player is in? But I dont want to...
  3. G

    Solved Help with the list variable (Urgent)

    Thank you it works perfectly!
  4. G

    Solved Help with the list variable (Urgent)

    Thanks, but is there any possible way to do it with elements in a variable ?
  5. G

    Solved Help with the list variable (Urgent)

    on join: add player to {players::*} on disconnect: remove player from {players::*} command /list: trigger: message "%{players::*}%" Now what it normally messages you is: player1, player2, player3, player4 and player5 I want it like this: -player1 -player2 -player3...
  6. G

    World Skripts!

    I havent really tested it but i hope it works: command /fly: trigger: if player is in world "hub": if {fly.%player%} is true: set {fly.%player%} to false message "&cYou have disabled flight." set player's flight mode to...
  7. G


    I havent tested it but it should work. Here ya go: command /commands: trigger: wait 3 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&eCommands" to player format slot 0 of player with 1 diamond named "&aGenerators" to close then run [make player execute command...
  8. G

    Kill Counter with Permission

    Ich habe es nicht probiert aber es soll gehen. Versuch's mal hiermit: on death of player: attacker is a player: if victim is a player: if attacker has the permission "DEINE.PERMISSION": if {topkill::enableplugin::*} = 1: add 1 to...
  9. G

    Solved Custom Broadcast.

    Here is an improved version with options: options: prefix: &8[&4FireUHC Announcement&8] permission: fireuhc.alert command /alert [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command. trigger: if arg-1 is...
  10. G

    Kill a loop-mob every minute. Please help its urgent.

    Thank you i will try that!
  11. G

    Kill a loop-mob every minute. Please help its urgent.

    So basically, i want to kill all armor stands in the world "creative" every minute. Here is my code, i dont know why it doesnt work: every 1 minute: loop all mobs in world "creative": if loop-mob is "armor stand": kill loop-mob
  12. G

    I need help with format slot

    Here you go i modified it a little so that it actually crafts an arrow for you. I haven't tested it but it should work command /crafting: trigger: open chest with 2 rows named "&bCrafting" to player wait 1 tick if player has 1 Stick: if player has 1...
  13. G

    Why isn't my skript working

    command /create [<text>]: trigger: if {servers::*} contains "%arg-1%": message "&bName is already taken!" else: add argument to {servers::*} message "&bCongrats&3! You made a playground called &b%arg 1%&3!" execute console...
  14. G

    Solved second line and more

    Try this: format slot 13 of player with egg named "&9&lHelper GUI" with lore "&7Player: %arg%||line 2||line 3||line 4||line 5||etc." to be unstealable then broadcast "&c%arg 1% has been muted."
  15. G

    every 5 seconds

    I haven't tested it but im sure this will work: every 5 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player has the permission "sk.tos": execute loop-player command "/testtt" Or if you have essentials installed on your server you can use this too: every 5 seconds: loop all...
  16. G

    /rank Command [URGENT lol]

    Try using this: command /rank [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: make player execute command "/lp user %arg 1% parent add %arg 2%"