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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Tlatoani

    MundoSK Packets

    Not sure exactly what you're asking, but the first one is int pnum 0 of event-packet and the last one is byte pnum 0 of event-packet.
  2. Tlatoani

    Addon ThatPacketAddon - BETA.3: Bug fix for 1.14

    This update fixes an issue that occurred when trying to use the packet event with the play_server_chat packet in 1.14.
  3. Tlatoani

    Addon Kosmos - BETA.4: Fixed an issue with the normal dimension

    This is a very small update to address a small issue: Kosmos has a dimension type that refers to the three dimensions (the overworld, the nether, and the end), but the overworld was referred to as `normal`, which is an issue as `normal` is also used by Skript as a difficulty, which caused...
  4. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu - Tablisknu 1.0: Blueprints!

    In this release of Tablisknu, we are finally moving out of the beta version stage of Tablisknu with a new feature that I am excited to introduce to you now that I have been able to test and document it: blueprints! A blueprint is a, well, blueprint, for a skin, meaning that you can create and...
  5. Tlatoani


    ThatPacketAddon is a Skript addon that allows Skripters to manipulate packets. Packets are what Minecraft uses to send information between a server and client. By manipulating packets, you can change how players see your world beyond what's allowed by the Bukkit API, allowing you to create cool...
  6. Tlatoani

    Addon ThatPacketAddon

    Tlatoani submitted a new resource: ThatPacketAddon - Packets! Read more about this resource...
  7. Tlatoani

    Addon ThatPacketAddon 1.0-BETA.3

    ThatPacketAddon is a Skript addon that allows Skripters to manipulate packets. Packets are what Minecraft uses to send information between a server and client. By manipulating packets, you can change how players see your world beyond what's allowed by the Bukkit API, allowing you to create cool...
  8. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu - 1.0-BETA.9: Bug fixes (and a secret new feature)

    This beta version fixes an issue with the latest versions of Spigot 1.14.3, as well as the yellow and white full color skins. There's also a secret new feature included that's already tested but I needed to release these bug fixes sooner than I was willing to document it, so maybe you'll go...
  9. Tlatoani

    Addon MundoSK

    See the above post about downloading the latest beta version of MundoSK 1.8.6.
  10. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu - BETA.8: Now compatible with Skript 2.4

    This update fixes an incompatibility issue with Skript 2.4 caused by depending on Skript's Color class which was changed in Skript 2.4. It also corrects the white full color skin to actually being fully white.
  11. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu - BETA.7: Bug fixes

    This update contains important bug fixes, most significantly (#1) an issue where a player leaving and joining caused stack traces in console, and (#2) an issue with recent versions of Skript 2.3 where using the Retrieve Skin effect would clear all local variables.
  12. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu - BETA-6: Full color skin presets and offline mode skin retrieval

    This update adds a couple of interesting features. First, the retrieve skin effect is now documented (totally a feature and not something that I thought was already done) and now you can actually retrieve player skins in offline mode as well (previously it would try to use the garbage UUID of...
  13. Tlatoani

    Addon WebSKT - WebSKT 1.0-BETA.2: Docs update, in-game update command, metrics enabled

    This is a small update to WebSKT to update the documentation, add a new '/webskt update' command to download updates from the console or in-game, and actually enables metrics.
  14. Tlatoani

    Addon WebSKT - Download link for WebSKT 1.0-BETA.1 fixed

    Apparently I just linked to the GitHub page with the download instead of linking directly to the download, sorry about that.
  15. Tlatoani

    Addon WebSKT 1.0-BETA.2

    WebSKT is a Skript addon giving Skripters access to WebSocket client and server functionality! This functionality can be used to facilitate communication between two different Minecraft servers, a Minecraft server and a webserver, or to other web services according to your needs using the...
  16. Tlatoani

    Addon Tablisknu 1.0

    Tablisknu is a Skript addon providing a variety of interesting features, such as: Tablist manipulation, with the ability to modify all aspects of the tabs shown in tablist, show/hide those tabs at will, add new tabs known as simple tabs, and modify the tablist in an x,y coordinate style known...
  17. Tlatoani


    WebSKT is a Skript addon giving Skripters access to WebSocket client and server functionality! This functionality can be used to facilitate communication between two different Minecraft servers, a Minecraft server and a webserver, or to other web services according to your needs using the...
  18. Tlatoani


    Tablisknu is a Skript addon providing a variety of interesting features, such as: Tablist manipulation, with the ability to modify all aspects of the tabs shown in tablist, show/hide those tabs at will, add new tabs known as simple tabs, and modify the tablist in an x,y coordinate style known...
  19. Tlatoani

    Addon Kosmos 1.0-BETA.4

    Kosmos is a Skript addon focused on providing a variety of world-related features such as world creation and management (including automatic loading on startup of worlds), world border manipulation, custom world generation, and more! These features allow you create a world management system for...
  20. Tlatoani


    Kosmos is a Skript addon focused on providing world-related features such as world creation and management (including automatic loading on startup of worlds), world border manipulation, custom world generation, and more. It is one of the addons resulting from the splitting up of MundoSK's...