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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. F

    Occasional repetitive errors after using SQLite

    [Skript] database error: statement is not executing [Skript variable save thread for database 'database skillscdef'/ERROR]: [Skript] database error: statement is not executing [Skript database 'database skills678' transaction committing thread/ERROR]: [Skript] database error: database...
  2. F

    Solved skript-yaml memory storage vs skript variables

    Thanks for the confirmation :)
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    Solved Help With Click on air

    Lol sorry my bad I made the comment a while back and forgot about the original post entirely...
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    Solved Help With Click on air

    from - Didn't check every file but if I recall correctly it did with this expression
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    Solved skript-yaml memory storage vs skript variables

    When creating a stat system for users, I first used yaml with skutilities. Then after a while, I noticed that skutilites read and wrote the whole file every time I changed a single value. So I switched to saving the player variables in skript and accessing skript variables instead of yaml - and...
  6. F

    Solved Help With Click on air

    Nope I tried with skutitlites and it rewrites the whole file every time you add a line. I confirmed this fact by looking at the source code.
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    Solved Help With Click on air

    Forget about this, sorry for the confusion
  8. F

    Skutilities write to file problem(when the file gets large)

    nvm I made a plugin for this purpose and do not need SKutilities for logging anymore
  9. F

    Skutilities write to file problem(when the file gets large)

    Skript Version: skUtilities.v0.9.2 Skript Author: tim740 Minecraft Version: 1.12 --- Full Code: Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin) Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set...