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  1. 07L

    Solved TuSKe GUI not showing the skull or book

    GUI opens fine, the black stained glass opens fine too. It says there are no errors yet the skull nor the lime wool show up inside the GUI. This wont be for just unbanning, it'll go for bans, mutes too. I want to know how to fix this so I can sort it out options: prefix: &8[&eAnimeme&8] &7...
  2. 07L

    Using Date and Time as a variable for resetting

    Is there a way to make it so I can make a countdown that counts down to the same day and time every week. For example: A way to make it so every week on Sunday at 3pm I can make something trigger inside a skript.
  3. 07L

    Solved Points Leaderboard

    It's fine now, all works. Thank you so much!
  4. 07L

    Solved Points Leaderboard

    How come it never removes the last player. I had 2 players, set their points to 0 yet it still displays one of them with their points even though they dont have any. Even with an updator to run every 3 seconds. However, the player names with capitalisation works, thanks.
  5. 07L

    Solved Points Leaderboard

    Thank you, it works almost perfectly. I have two questions though, 1) Is it possible to make it display the players name with the capital letters in correct spaces? 2) Is there a way to make it update when I clear the players points? (see image)
  6. 07L

    Solved Points Leaderboard

    Can you help me? I'm completely stuck on your example.
  7. 07L

    Solved Points Leaderboard

    I have tried to think how I would make a leaderboard, but I cant get my head round how. I made a points system, it works fine and fully. But how would I make a leaderboard with the command /points leaderboard. Here's my current points file code (I haven't started the leaderboard yet as I...
  8. 07L

    Weekly Challenges

    Hey. I'm wanting to create a GUI for weekly challenges. Before I did I wanted it to restart every week at the exact same time (Say 3pm every Sunday). Is there a way I can make this happen, without having server restarts or when it closes for an hour affect the countdown, so it is reset at 3pm...
  9. 07L

    Solved Custom reasons banning bug

    Im using litebans and skript. I made a punish GUI and added a custom reason section. But when you type "permanent" and then the reasons it displays "false <reason>". command /customban [<offline player>]: trigger: if player has permission "exige.punish": if arg-1 is set...
  10. 07L

    Make player execute command as op

    I dont understand your code, it says sudo the player with no perms to run the command /op?
  11. 07L

    Is not a text from make player execute command

    Alright ill test this, thank you
  12. 07L

    Is not a text from make player execute command

    I did that but skript then responds with a message that says to use the actual name so if I do this in multiple times it will spam the message.
  13. 07L

    Make player execute command as op

  14. 07L

    Make player execute command as op

    Is it possible to make a player execute a command as op while in a GUI?
  15. 07L

    Is not a text from make player execute command

    In my gui im making a player run a command that is made in skript. It says that the command is not a text and it won't show the item in the GUI. command /punish [<offline player>]: trigger: if player has permission "exige.punish": if arg-1 is set: if arg-1...
  16. 07L

    Placeholder output in scoreboard

    There is no .0 anyway
  17. 07L

    Placeholder output in scoreboard

    In placeholderapi, the skript expansion is only showing skript variables with a .0 at the end when it is above 2
  18. 07L

    loop list

    Can you use the code block to format your code to make it easier to read