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  1. N

    If play has item in specific slot

    Skriver bare lidt kode, så hvis der skulle være nogle der ville starte en server. Så har jeg nogle ting ;)
  2. N

    If play has item in specific slot

    It worked! Thanks, but when i on the next line write give player stick named "&9Plotmine Opsætning" with lore "&7Kig i chatten for hjælp." The skript reloads with no errors but it gives me and internal problem when i execute the command.
  3. N

    If play has item in specific slot

    Hello, i am trying to figure out how to make skript register if a player has a item in a specific slot, kinda like this: command /plotmineset [<text>]: description: Gives a player a plotmine to set and removes one from their virtual nonset plotmines executable by: players permission...
  4. N

    Change gui menu on press

    Yea thanks i have TuSKe, but how does this string work. Like is there a way to do if i press one thing in the first gui it effects whats in the next one, i have tried making it to maybe make it easier to understand: command /plotmineedit: executable by: players permission: plotmine.edit...
  5. N

    Change gui menu on press

    Ok, thanks. I am just worried cause i have 9 different mines that you can click on so that means that i will have to make 9 new commands.
  6. N

    Change gui menu on press

    But would it be posible to do like. if (item in last gui) is pressed: format slot
  7. N

    help me changing this to tuske

    Try removing inventory so its just: openc hest with 3 rows named "&cChect" to player
  8. N

    Change gui menu on press

    Hello, i am anting to know if it is possible to change what is in a gui menu based on what was pressed on the gui menu before without making several gui menus. Example: In gui menu i press plotmine 1 then it opens gui menu where i can change the blocks, then if i press plotmine 2 it opens the...
  9. N

    Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

    Ok, thanks alot that has been on my mind for osm time i have been using it as /plotminereset and /plotminegive xD
  10. N

    Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

    Thank alot guys! that last one worked Shane. While we are going could you answer a question for me? :) I have been wondering if there is anyway to have the same command in one skript. Becuase when i have /plotmine give and /plotmine reset in the same skript it says i cannot use the same command.
  11. N

    Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

    Spigot 1.9, Skript: 2.3.1 and SkQuery: 3.6.3
  12. N

    Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

    How would i do it with format item since i am using that to make the items unstealable.
  13. N

    Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

    Hi i am currently writing a skript with a gui menu, where i would like to have a item with multiple lines in the lore. I googled myself to that i should use || But this does not work for me, ingame it just stays as one line and replaces the || with ::. Here is the line i am using for lore:set...
  14. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Thanks alot man, ill take a look at that. Its more complicated then i expected. But again thanks so much for the help, have a great day! ;)
  15. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Thanks, but how do i set up the arg line? i am getting an error saying text is not allowed. trigger: if arg 2 is "small" add 1 to {plotmines.small.%player%} message "&9&lPlotmine &8» &7Du har givet 1 plotmine til %player%"
  16. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Hi, i just found out it is still not working i am using this code: command /plotmine give <player> <text>: description: Gives plotmines to player permission: plotmines.give permission message: &c&lFEJL&8&l» &cDu har ikke tilladelse til dette. executable by: players and console...
  17. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Thanks alot i got it working, and how about the lore part setting it up like this Small: 0/1 Big: 0/1 Biggest: 0/1 How would i do that?
  18. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Can u give an example? :)
  19. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Ok i changed the part to text, but i did not udnerstand the bottom part. How would i do so that i if i write /plotmine give small then it grants them a small one and adds it to check under small. I also have another question to another part of the skript, i am making a gui menu to check...
  20. N

    Solved Different types of mine via 1 command

    Hello i am using this /plotmine give command to give players plotmines, but i have 3 different plotmines, so how do i do id i type /plotmine give <player> small it will give the player a small one and the same if i type big or biggest. command /plotmine give <player> <type>: description...