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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Builder4Life

    Custom Model Data GUI

    u can maybe try adding this to your gui minecraft:iron_ingot{CustomModelData:1234567} for example if u want it to be a custom item
  2. Builder4Life

    bosssystem | no errors but boss is not spawning

    #This skript is made by MightyTiger options: #names prefix: &9&lAppolloboxx shark: &9&lShark &bBoss devil: &4&lDevil &cBoss darkknight: &5&lDarkKnight &dboss sandstormer: &6SandStormer &eBoss #item drops sharkdrop: prismarine crystals named "&b&lShark Fragment" sharkdropname...
  3. Builder4Life

    Empty configuration after a trigger

    i cant figure out how to fix this EMPTY CONFIGURATION - SOLVED gud version - FIXED
  4. Builder4Life

    detect players faction

    im using a plugin called factionsuuid okay thanks im gonna try it
  5. Builder4Life

    detect players faction

    i want when a player has joined a faction it detect in wich faction they are and if there in a specific faction they get an commnd executed every time they join onjoin: if player's faction is named "estland" execute console command "/pex user %player% prefix...