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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. saad3mad

    problem with my skript

    hey, i'm trying to make the note block useless i want it like a regular block, the main idea is to make new blocks out of note block, now there is a cool thing if u edit the blockstates of note block in the resourse pack you could add a texture to the note block for example: "variants": {...
  2. saad3mad

    Solved how to link an armor stand to the player

    thank you, i tried to make the armor stand ride the player and that worked perfectly i had to do a little twists and i got what i want to but thanks tho
  3. saad3mad

    Solved how to link an armor stand to the player

    EDIT: i am trying to make an armor stand ride the player and be able to move with the player, so when the player move his body the armor stand above it move to and be connected to the body area the "chest" the skript i used make the armor stand teleport to the player so its a bit laggy and...