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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. B

    Combat Tag and Spawn

    BanditEagle's Combat Tag & Spawn Skript! Useful Skript Tool For PVP-Related Events! Features: - Set Spawn - Teleport To Spawn With Countdown - Using Action Bar With Teleporting To Spawn - Cancel Teleporting If Movement Is Detected - Cancel Teleporting If In Combat - Combat Tag With Players Or...
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    Calculate coordinates at a target block

    oh i know why now. you are comparing a number with a string, since you set {_xar1} as a string while {_x::*} as a number. If you make {_xar1} to a number as well it should work.
  3. B

    Script Combat Tag and Spawn 1.0

    BanditEagle's Combat Tag & Spawn Skript! Useful Skript Tool For PVP-Related Events! Features: - Set Spawn - Teleport To Spawn With Countdown - Using Action Bar With Teleporting To Spawn - Cancel Teleporting If Movement Is Detected - Cancel Teleporting If In Combat - Combat Tag With Players Or...
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    Calculate coordinates at a target block

    Try this: on projectile hit: if {shape::*} is true: if {game::*} is true: projectile is arrow: shooter is player: if event.getHitBlock() is target: set {_x} to x-location of projectile set...
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    Custom Model Data GUI

    I understand what you were asking for but as far as i know it doesnt exist, so doing that would be the closest to what you are looking for
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    How to make a naruto dojutsu using Skript

    Not tested but the skunity parser didn't return any errors. Hope you like it! And if you do please leave a reaction to show the appreciation!
  7. B

    Custom Model Data GUI

    Im not entirely sure, but looking around on the internet a bit I came across this forum post, though its a bit old (couldnt find anything newer): perhaps what you can do is have a custom texture pack with a certain type of inventory and...
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    Custom Model Data GUI

    what exactly do you mean with a custom model data? Like a custom shape of the gui?
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    How to make a naruto dojutsu using Skript

    how would you gain the abilities? By walking on a certain block or getting a certain item or something?
  10. B

    Solved Staff Menu

    You could have also replaced that line with execute player command "/straf %player%"
  11. B

    Solved Bypass not working ANTI-AFK

    all of this is indentation error. It should look like this. every 5 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "playlabs.antiafk.bypass": stop else: if {AFK::%loop-player%} is set: kick loop-player due to "§7§m §7§m §7§m...
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    Need helping fixing my quest skript

    This is the issue. On both instances you are checking if {queststart::%player%} is false and never have any place where you set it to a value other than false. Im assuming that you tried to do this instead: on right click on zombie: if name of event-entity is "Lazy Miner": if...
  13. B

    No Error but also No Command

    Which plugin are you using for guis? Also, I recommend you use the skript-gui addon for guis as they are similar to TuSKe guis but easier to understand and have been updated in recent times (since TuSKe no longer updates it) and also its pretty easy to use. If you need help using skript-gui, let...
  14. B

    Addon for on any move?

    what is the error and what is your skript? Also you can use this: on move:
  15. B

    Sort most damage/hits

    Ok but can you please send the skript in code blocks? It is difficult to understand like this.
  16. B

    pls help

    Can you please use the code block by clicking the + sign and selecting Code on it?
  17. B

    Sort most damage/hits

    Can you please use the code block by clicking the + sign and selecting Code on it? Also, what is the error?
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    No Error but also No Command

    can you send the skript to figure out the issue with it?
  19. B

    Undroppable items.

    Oh i see. In that case, unless there is some other plugin that works with 1.7.10 and supports lores or nbts, creating your own plugin for it would be the way to go. Sorry I couldn't help more.