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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. djmanbr

    Using APIs on Skript

    Hi everyone! Who knows any method to use APIs in Skript? (Ex: send I don't know if there is any method, please help me!
  2. djmanbr

    player's display name

    Hello! I have a problem, i'm doing a json chat but if i use %player's display name% it writes the prefix and the player name, but i only want the player name. P.D.: I don't wanna use %player% or %player name% because i don't want the player name, i want the nick of the player. Ex: I use /nick...
  3. djmanbr

    ban player

    I try it, and it don't say error: if player has permission "essentials.ban": ban arg-1 due to "%arg-2%" broadcast "{@p} &e%player% &2ha baneado a &e%arg-1%&2. Razón: &7%arg-2%" else: send "{@e}" It doesn't work, why?
  4. djmanbr

    Solved CHEST ITEMS

    I need to "loop" all items in a chest and then drop it in a place. I don't know any form, please help me! Thank you.
  5. djmanbr

    HELP (is more than)

    I have a problem, i'm doing something special but a part of the command don't work correctly. Look: command /k [<text>] [<player>] [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is "buy": if {} is set: if arg-3 is not arg-2...
  6. djmanbr

    Anyone have any idea?

    I found a plugin named React, the plugin have a map on you can see the TPS and RAM used. Anyone have any idea for create that map in SK but with other elements, like text.
  7. djmanbr

    Solved Error WildSkript

    I don't know if this is a error, but I put this: command /test: trigger: send "%random char% %random number between 1 and 9%" And when I reload the skript says: Anyone can test it, and reply?
  8. djmanbr

    Work in progres...

    Work in progres...
  9. djmanbr

    Order numbers in chat

    Hello, I'm doing a minigame with a friend, I'm doing a TopWins, but I don't know how to order the 3 biggest numbers with their name. Anyone have any idea? Thanks for attention.