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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. J

    Help me please

    As its a core function of Minecraft, it cannot be modified by plugins. You can use the documentation and search for keywords like "achievement" and see if anything pops up.
  2. J

    wtf is this jittering on armour stands

    Does anyone know how to fix this weird jittering motion on armour stands when it goes through blocks? Trying to make an animation for my treasure boxes (ik its a copy of hypixel). Video under code of the bug set {boxused.%{boxusedloc.%arg-2%}%} to "true" add -1 to...
  3. J

    Detect Minecraft Version

    This is probably impossible but I'll ask anyways. Is there a way to detect the player's client version that they're using? I want to allow only 1.13.2 players into a survival world but to do that I need to check what version that player's client is using. My server allows people with versions...
  4. J

    Solved While right click

    Thanks! :emoji_slight_smile: Finished Product:
  5. J

    Solved While right click

    doesn't work. Its way too slow to meet the ROF of an AK... on right click with (gun): while player is holding right click: wait 1 tick make player shoot snowball at speed 3
  6. J

    Solved While right click

    Is there a way to make it so that when you right click, it triggers a "while" event that keeps going while you are right clicking. on right click with 2256: if {alreadyfiring.%player%} is not set: if player is right clicking: set {alreadyfiring.%player%} to "True"...
  7. J

    Damage loop-entity accounting for armour.

    I'm trying to make a super smash mobs remix using item projectiles. Having trouble damaging entities accounting for what armour they have on. Example I damage loop-entity by 2 with no armour and it deals 2 hearts of damage while I damage loop-entity by 2 with full diamond armour and does the...
  8. J

    [Bug] Greater than or equal to.

    How are you meant to code when the coding program (in this case plugin) doesn't even work. if {countdown.%arg-2%} is not set: set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "no" loop all players in world "Spleef": if...
  9. J

    Solved Help - Noob question :/ Enchantments?

    I was just wondering how I could give a player an enchanted item without having to loop items in their inventory and enchanting the wrong one? For an example: command /kit god: trigger: give player sharpness 1 bow But the simplest things in skript are nowhere on the documentations.
  10. J

    Solved HELP - Lists not working!

    Hi! Look at this: command /sounds [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&d&m---------------------[ &9Sounds &d&m]---------------------" send "&a&o/sounds &7- &6&oShow this help page." send "&a&o/sounds list &7- &6&oList every sound...