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  1. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    chest inventory not full but drop to location dont add the inventory
  2. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    but drop to location dont add the inventory Touch me! @BowYard up @BowYard
  3. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    It works, but the drop is immediately removed. okey no problem its works thank.
  4. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    Mann, I can't find the code, I just want the code,
  5. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    i cant find the code block inventory is full
  6. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    i can't find :(
  7. SafaYVS

    Drop Chest

    when the chest is full, item to drop at block location every 10 second: loop {coinspawner::*}: set {_owner} to asb owner of island at loop-value if {_owner} is online: add 1 prismarine crystals named "&eCoin" to inventory of block at loop-value
  8. SafaYVS

    Add Head

    how to add heads in gui. 6. line command /amenu: trigger: wait 2 ticks open chest with 1 row named "&6&lSafa&d&lNETWORK" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&aAda Oluştur" with lore "&8» &6Ada oluşturmak için tıkla." to close then run...
  9. SafaYVS

    Not Working True Skript

    the block cannot be reinserted after the block has been removed. After the block is broken and the server is renewed, the hologram is deleted but continues to produce. command /AdminCoinSP <text> <player>: permission: coinsp.admin permission message: '&cGerekli Yetkin Yok.' trigger...
  10. SafaYVS

    Chest Spawner

    hello how to make spawner system block can't drop, I want to be added to the chest on place of stone: if name of player's tool is "&bPCNW &9» &eTaş Spawner": create holo object "&eTaş &6Spawner;ItemStack:stone;;&6Sahibi &9» &e%player%;&6Süre &9» &e5 Saniye;&6Miktar &9» &e1" with id...
  11. SafaYVS

    Not Offline Spawning

    Idont want this. I want to work in teams is one of the island online. You can't use the command /teammate
  12. SafaYVS

    Not Offline Spawning

    how to add my skript please :)
  13. SafaYVS

    Not Offline Spawning

    if skyblock team member not online, item spawner not working,how to they do it command /CoinSpawner <text> <player>: permission: coinsp.admin permission message: '&cGerekli Yetkin Yok.' trigger: if arg-1 is "give": if arg-2 is not set: give 1...
  14. SafaYVS

    Tools Breaked Lore

    not adding lore
  15. SafaYVS

    Tools Breaked Lore
  16. SafaYVS

    Tools Breaked Lore

    The number of blocks broken by digging is added to the lore. All pickaxes
  17. SafaYVS

    Spawner Spam Bug

    Spigot 1.12 Skript : last version Skrayfall : skRayFall+v1.9.12 Holograpich displays : 2.6.6 AskyBlock Wolvsk 1.6.0 item spawner and hologram were created before adding this code
  18. SafaYVS

    Spawner Spam Bug

  19. SafaYVS

    Spawner Spam Bug

    the hologram is not forming, the spawner is not active, the script is not active, just the messages are coming,
  20. SafaYVS

    Spawner Spam Bug

    not give error but, skript and item spawner cant working