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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. L

    uuid in variable

    But i can use it with %player% only variables: {} = "" this work's fine but i want to use with uuid
  2. L

    uuid in variable

  3. L

    uuid in variable

    variables: {%uuid of} = "" does not work, any suggestions?
  4. L

    How to copy and paste?

    Hi, sorry if can't understand me but I don't speak english. I wanna to copy random blocks of coordinates but when paste the blocks with loop the server its very lag and when I add the loop randoms block to the variable this is so slow. Please help me. code:
  5. L

    Resquest gui with warps help

    Category: gui Suggested name: Lugares What I want: Hi!, i find create a warp gui but that is auto fill with warps createds (no essentials plugin with the skript) example: /setlugares test1 send message of the warp created and when put /lugares create a gui with the created warp Ideas for...
  6. L

    Solved Help with skull in gui

    oh its true :/ thanks!
  7. L

    Solved Help with skull in gui

    im not rotate the skulls i create the gui and the skulls they appeared thus rotated some way to rotate and the skulls look to face of player
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    Solved Help with skull in gui

    no only the front of skull rotate to see the face of the skull
  9. L

    Solved Help with skull in gui

    I have TuSKe and i trying that the skulls in the gui rotate to face of player to see the skins of skulls
  10. L

    Solved Help with skull in gui

    Hi, i have the problem of the skull in gui is rotate for direction of player i need that the skull rotate to opposite direction of player command /info [<player>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: open chest with 1 rows named "&aTienda" to player wait 1 tick...
  11. L

    Get only numbers of send message on chat

    someone could help me? i try get the only numbers of message sended on the chat for set in a variable help me pls i try put if only message is a integer but not works i tip a integer and he tells me that put a integer number but i put a integer number on chat: if...
  12. L

    Double command in format slot of gui menu

    command /MascotasMini: trigger: open chest with 3 row named "&e&ki&6Mascotas &cMini&e&Ki" to player wait 1 tick format slot 13 of player with 1 stone named "&6Mascota creeper test" with lore "&7Click para obtener esta mascota!" to run [set {_creeper} to "si"] [send...