
Addon ZulfBungee v0.9.9-pre6

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20

An all in one addon for controlling players and servers on your proxy with Skript!

GitHub can be found here: https://github.com/Zulfen/ZulfBungee

This addon is in alpha, so expect some issues!
It supports these platforms currently:


  • BungeeCord / Waterfall
  • Velocity (experimental!)
  • Spigot (Paper is preferred)
    1.8 and above only.


ZulfBungee makes it simpler to manage networks using Skript by providing syntax for handling things like:

  • Network variables (with MySQL and H2 database support)
  • Player and server management, such as messaging and sending players to different servers
  • Global script support for easy synchronisation, using the command /zulfbungee scripts reload, which can be executed ingame and on the proxy.
More features are soon to come with suggestions from the community! :emoji_slight_smile:


The plugin is just drag and drop by default! Put ZulfBungee in both the plugins folder for your proxy and your Bukkit server, and it should work!
You can add more flexibility through changing the transport type over to sockets if you know what you are doing, which could allow for more features down the line!

ProtocolLib is now required to run ZulfBungee!


Code Examples

command /zulfbungeetest:

       broadcast "&aPrinting all players on the bungeecord network..."
       broadcast "&b%all bungeecord players%"

       broadcast "&aPrinting the name of this client:"
       broadcast this server's name

       broadcast "&aSending all players on the network a message through iteration..."

       loop all of the bungeecord players:
         proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "&b&oWhy hello there! I am a message!"
       broadcast "&aPrinting all the servers connected to the proxy..."
       set {_servers::*} to all of the online servers

       broadcast "&b%{_servers::*}%"

       broadcast "&aSending all servers a message (this is used for inter-server communication)..."

       loop {_servers::*}:
         proxy message loop-value the message "Sample Text" called "Sample Title"

       broadcast "&aSetting a network variable..."
       set network variable {zulfbungee::test::*} to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

       broadcast "&a...adding to it..."
       add 6 to network variable {zulfbungee::test::*}
       broadcast "&a...and printing it! Expected values should be 1 through 6."
       broadcast "%network variable {zulfbungee::test::*}%"
       broadcast "&aDeleting that variable... :("
       delete network variable {zulfbungee::test::*}

       broadcast "&c&lCongrats! The test is done! Please send results back!"

Need help?

Click the Ask Questions / Get Support button on the right, or contact zulfen on Discord if you are really stuck.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Release v0.9.9-pre6

    Bug fixes - Done some work to hopefully fix crashes like #36 and #35. Potential known issues -...
  2. Release v0.9.9-pre4

    Bug fixes - Channel connections should be much more stable now, but this needs some testing! -...
  3. Release v0.9.9-pre3

    Bug fixes - Connections should gracefully close now, so no more async errors in console I hope...