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Addon Umbaska 3.3

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First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from BaeFell

Latest updates

  1. New Umbaska 3 Release

    A new release of the core plugin of Umbaska has been released. This release contains stability...
  2. New Umbaska 3 Release

    A new release of the core plugin of Umbaska has been released. This release contains stability...
  3. New Umbaska 3 Release

    A new release of the core plugin of Umbaska has been released. This release contains stability...

Latest reviews

To download umabska click download button then remove https:// form link like this
4 billion/ten would ign. Umbaska 6 is extremely intuitive with its new all metal design, BaeFell did a good job designing this one.
Thanks for the update :D
Is there any documentation for placeholders?
Oh my *~* *wets himself*

Holy s*** finally! Thank you to everyone who was included, I've been waiting for this for ages :o