Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ Essentials Converter ✪ [1.9-1.13] ✪ Over 165 Commands!

Script Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ Essentials Converter ✪ [1.9-1.13] ✪ Over 165 Commands! 3.2

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

    Now, what are you waiting for? Join the community now!

TheJimmyJ57 (Dev)
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11
  4. 1.12
  5. 1.13

Ultimate Essentials Pro is a second take on Essentials that goes above and beyond. UE Pro includes all the features and commands you know and love in a completely different way.

Through the use of GUI menus and beautifully recoded commands, UE Pro offers the best user-friendly command experience for any server.

This resource is a premium resource to motivate the devs to continue to develop it. Premium buyers get the latest and more up to date version of UEP as well as support provided for them. However, UEP version 2.9 is available for free HERE.

DISCLAIMER: If you want 1.8 support, go download the free version HERE, we will not provide support for it though.






= Implemented = Coming Soon

Over 165 Commands!
Essentials/EssentialsX to UEP Converter
Customizable Messages & Config
PlaceholderAPI Support
Custom Tab Bar
Custom Chat Formatting
Color Chat
Time/Weather locks
Server MOTD Support (In-Game Commands)
Join/Leave Messages
Individual Player Control (GUI)
Easy to Use Admin Menu (GUI)
TP to Spawn on Join
Spawn Commands
All Homes Commands + GUIs
All Messaging Commands
All Teleport Commands
Deathchest + Tombstones
Innovative Tpa System
Nicks + Realname
Sign Support
Kits System
Spawnmob GUI
Spawner Changer
Enchant GUI
HUGE Head Blocks Menu
Chat Formatting
Clear Chat Commands
Chat Control Commands
Personal Chat Color Changer
Permission Support
Action Bars
Player Vaults
Ban Commands
Temp Mute, God & Fly
UUID Support
Economy (Vault-Support)
Econ Commands
SellAll Abilities
Warning System
Custom Death Messages
Command Blocker
Combat Logger
Alias Creator
Command Signs/Block
And So Much More!

Got Suggestions? PM me or Message in Discussion!


Official Test Server:
Other Servers:
- play.minedreams.net (Spanish)
- BobiPVP.mc-srv.com (Spanish)
- play.thehyperionmc.com (English)
- play-olympus.us (English)
- Eclipsepvp.serv.gs (English)
- Pseudo Tranquility: (English)
- ExternityNetwork:
- montain.mcnetwork.me:41363 (English)
- play.1v1prison.com (English)

PM Me to get yours added!


How to use:
- Install PlaceholderAPI on your server
- Perform /ue admin
- Go to the second page, and enable PlaceHolderAPI hook
- Install the papi addon you want by doing "/papi ecloud download <name>", if you want a list of addons you can do "/papi ecloud list all <page>".

For Chat Format:
- Open /plugins/UltimateEssentialsPro/config.yml
- Edit chat-format to your liking
- Use ANY placeholder located HERE with { } around it instead of % %
- Save config.yml and perform /ue reload config

For Tab:
- Use /tab command as normal
- Use ANY placeholder located HERE with { } around it instead of % %
- Placeholders will be added into tab
How to use:
- Crouch + Right-click spawner or perform /spawner while looking at a spawner
- Use menu to select which mob you would like the spawner to spawn
How to use:
- Custom chat can be enabled/disabled using /ue admin
- Custom chat format can be modified in the config.yml
- After modifying the chat format perform /ue reload file
How to use:
- Custom death messages are enabled by default
- You can make your own death messages by modifying the messages.yml
- After modifying the death messages perform /ue reload file
How to use:
- Open Messages/Config.yml located in /plugins/UltimateEssentialsPro
- Edit Options or Messages to your liking
- Close and Save the file to your server
- Perform /ue reload file in-game or in console
How to use:
- Perform /ue reset in-game or in console
How to use:
- Create a kit using /createkit
- Open admin menu with /ue admin
- Enable First Join Kit (Bottom Left)
- Click on the chestplate item to select which kit is to be given
How to use:
- Perform /ue admin to open the menu
- Click on the dye(not the items) to enable/disable. (For First Join Kit See Above)
How to use:
- Open /plugins/UltimateEssentialsPro/config.yml
- Set 'world-per-world-spawn-mode' to "true"
- Save Config.yml and perform /ue reload config in-game
- Manually set a /setspawn for every world or one will be automatically set for you.
How to use:
- Locate the vault-permissions.yml file in /plugins/UltimateEssentialsPro
# Custom Permissions can be created with their own minimum and maximum vaults
# Players with each permissions with have the miniumum vaults available to them. And up to the maximum available for purchase.
# Price of the purchasable vaults can be edited in the config.yml
# Players with permission 'ue.vault.open' will gain the default min and max.
# Use Example format below
# permissions:
#   example-name:
#     min: 5
#     max: 10
#     rows: 4
# Permission: 'ue.vault.open.example-name'

    min: 1
    max: 9
    rows: 6
- Create new groups with the given format to specify 3 different categories
- Min: How many vaults a player starts out with
- Max: How many vaults they have the ability to buy
- Rows: The number of rows each vault has
- Give the permission ue.vault.open.<group name> to give the perm
- With only the ue.vault.open perm, users will get the default values!
How to use:
- Open the config.yml in /plugins/UltimateEssentialsPro
  vault-price-increase-per-vault: 0
  vault-price: 10000
- The default vault price for every vault can be set here, as well as an incrementing price for every vault purchased (Example, first vault to buy is $1000, next vault is $1200, next is $1400, etc.)


< > = Mandatory, [ ] = optional
Kit Commands
- /kits | Shows a list of usable kits
- /kit | Show's the help menu if op, if not, shows a list of usable kits
- /kit create <name> <price> <integer> <seconds/minutes/days/etc.> (-1 to disable price/cooldown) | Create a kit, Set the price, and set the cooldown
- /kit remove | Remove a kit
- /kit preview <name> | Preview a kit
- /kit edit <name> | Edit a kit
Teleport Commands
- /tp <player> <player> | Teleport to a player, or teleport a player to another player
- /tpa [player] | Request teleportation to a player
- /tphere [player] | Teleport a player to you
- /tpahere [player] | Request a player to teleport to you
- /tpaccept or /tpyes | Accept a teleportation request
- /tpdeny or /tpno | Deny a teleportation request
- /tpall | Teleport all players to you
- /tppos <x> <y> <z> | Teleport to an exact location
- /tptoggle | Toggle teleportation protection
- /tpo <player> [player] | Override teleportation protection
- /tpohere <player> | Override teleportation protection
- /setwarp <name> | Set a warp that other players can use
- /warp [name] | Warp to a set warp location
- /delwarp [name] | Delete a warp
- /back | Teleport back to last location
- /jump | Teleport a player to where they are looking
- /top | Teleport player to the surface
- /randomTP (player) | Teleport a player to a random location
- /world (world name) | Teleport to any world
Chat Commands
- /nick <clear/<name>> (player) | Set a nickname
- /Realname (name) | Checks the realname of players with nicks
- /msg <player> <message> | Send Private Messages
- /r <message> | Reply to a received PM
- /broadcast <message> | Broadcast message to all players
- /titlebroadcast <message> | Broadcast message as a title
- /socialspy | Toggle socialspy
- /mail | Read your mail
- /mail <player> <message> | Send mail to a player
- /mailclear | Clear your mailbox
- /mute <player> [timespan] | Mute a player from chat
- /pcc | Clears your personal chat
- /cc | Clears the entire servers chat
- /ignore <player> | Ignore a player that is annoying you
- /chatcolor | Change your personal chat color and style
- /staffchat | Toggles staff only chat
- /emojis | Shows you the available emoji's you can use in chat
Home Commands
- /home [name] | Teleport to a home that was set.
- /home [player] (name) | Teleport to other players homes
- /sethome [name] | Set a home
- /delhome [name] | Delete a home
Economy Commands
- /eco <give/take/set/reset> <player> <number> | Economy Functions
- /eco giveall <amount> | Give money to all online players
- /eco removeall <amount> | Remove money from all online players
- /eco purge | Removes all inactive accounts
- /eco resetall | Resets all balances to the starting balance
- /balance [player] | Check player's balance
- /balancetop [number] | Check highest balances on the server
- /pay <player> <amount> | Pay someone money
- /bank [deposit/withdraw/clear] [player] [number] | Manage your bank
- /bank purge | Removes all inactive accounts
- /account [player] | View bank balance
- /sell | Open a GUI to sell items
- /sellall | Sell all available items in your inventory
- /setworth <number> | Set sell value of an item
- /worth [item] | Check value of items
- /delworth | Remove the worth of held item
Spawn Commands
- /setspawn | Set a spawn for the whole world to use
- /setrespawn | Set a respawn point different from spawn point
- /spawn | Teleport to spawn
- /delspawn | Delete a spawn
Admin Commands
- /invsee <player> | View inventory of another player
- /getpos (player) | Get the position of a player
- /setmotd set <1/2> <text> | Set the MOTD for your server
- /setmotd help | Opens help menu
- /setmotd placeholders | Shows all placeholders for MOTDs
- /MOTD | Displays MOTD
- /freeze <player> | Freeze a player in place.
- /seen [player] | View player's IP and amount of time online/offline
- /clearhome <player> | Delete all home data from player
- /tab header <text> | Sets the Header
- /tab footer <text> | Sets the Footer
- /tab enable/disable | Toggles the use of Custom Tab
- /tab placeholders | View the available placeholders
- /ban <player> (reason) | Ban a player from the server
- /tempban <player> <timespan> | Temporarily ban a player
- /unban <player> | Unban a player
- /banlist <bans/tempbans> | Shows all banned or temp-banned players
- /lag | Shows the TPS and RAM Usage
- /commandspy <player/console> | View commands being Run
- /sudo <player> <command> | Make another player run a command
- /clearlag [time span] | Clears all dropped items
- /setjail (name) | Set a jail at your location
- /deljail (name) | Delete a jail
- /unjail (player) | Free a prisoner from jail
- /jail [player] [jail name] [time in minutes] [reason] | Send a player to jail for being bad
- /jails | Shows list of all jails
- /ue info | Shows UE Info
- /ue admin | Opens the admin menu
- /ue reload <main/files> | Reloads the Skript, or the messages.yml and config.yml
- /banlist | Allows you to see banned players
- /staffmail (text) | Check or send staffmail
- /rules | See the rules
- /addrules <text> | Add rules to /rules
- /delrules <integer> | Delete Rules from /rules
- /autobroadcast <# of mins> <message> | Set a repeteting broadcast
- /warn <offlineplayer> <reason> | Warn a player for doing something bad
- /kickall <reason> | Kick all online player's for the reason specified
- /warns (player) | See warns player has recieved
- /clearwarns (player) | Remove warn history
- /alias <set/remove/purge> '<command>' <alias> | Create Aliases for any command
- /commandsigns <set/remove/removeall/clipboard/purge/purge> <command> | Set command on blocks or signs
- /playerinfo <player> | Show info about a player
- /vault open <num> <player> | Open another player's vault
- /vault clear <num> <player> | Clear another player's vault
World Commands
- /butcher [entity Type] in radius [number] | Kill mobs
- /weather <clear/rain/storm> | Set weather in world
- /time <day/night> | Set time of day in world
- /day | Set time to day
- /night | Set time to night
- /tree (tree type) | Spawn a tree
- /spawnmob [entity type] [number] | Spawn mobs
- /spawner | Change type of spawner (While looking at one)
Item/Storage Commands
- /hat | Puts item in hand on your head
- /unhat | Takes off hat
- /give <player> <items> (ex. /give notch 5 oak plank) | Gives Items to Other Player
- /giveall <items> (ex. /giveall oak plank) | Gives Items All Online Player's
- /setname <name> | Set the name of an Item
- /lore <set/remove> <line number> <text> | Set lore of item
- /enchant [enchantment] [level] | Enchant an Item
- /disenchant | Remove all enchantments
- /enchlist | List all enchantments
- /skull [player] [number] | Spawn a player's head
- /heads | Spawn in cool heads!
- /clearinventory or /ci | Clear your Inventory
- /more | Give a full stack of current item
- /infinite | Never run out of an item
- /block | Turns all sets of 4 or 9 items into blocks
- /iteminfo | Shows all Info about an Item in hand
- /id | Shows ID of block you are looking at
- /playertool <command> | Bind any command to a tool
- /workbench | Open a crafting bench anywhere
- /enderchest or /echest | Open ender chest
- /repair [all] | Repairs item in hand
- /item <items> (ex. /item 2 stone) | Spawns items
- /break | Break the block you are looking at
- /vault | Open playerVaults
- /soulbound | Makes it so that if you die with a soulbound tool then you will respawn with it
- /trash | Throw out useless items
Player Commands
- /playersettings | Allows you to toggle player settings
- /god [player] [timespan] | Toggle God Mode
- /feed [player] | Replenish Food
- /heal [player] | Replenish Health and Food
- /gm <0/1/2/s/c/a/survival/creative/adventure> [player] | Set Gamemode
- /kill <player> | Kill a player
- /suicide | Kills yourself
- /fly [player] [timespan] | Toggle fly mode
- /ext [player] | Extinguishes you when on fire
- /exp <number> <exp/levels> <player> | Give yourself or others exp levels
- /speed [player] [number] [walk/fly] | Set speed
- /near | Displays all players within 200 blocks of you
- /depth | Tell you the depth you are at
- /burn <player> | Ignite a player
- /vanish (player) | Make yourself or others disappear
- /potion <effect> <player> <duration> | Give potion effects
- /afk [reason] | Toggle AFK mode on/off
- /NoPVP | Toggles PVP on or off
- /ping <player> | Tells you the ping of yourself or player
- /ride | Rides the animal/mob you're looking at or specify
- /lightning <player> | Zap a player with lightning!
- /flashlight | Lights up the ground with glowstone behind you
- /fireball | Launch fireball
- /dye | Opens GUI to dye armor
Help/List Commands
- /list | See list of players online
- /stafflist | See list of staff players online
- /staffmail <text> | Send staffmail
- /helpop | Sends message to any operators
- /ue help <number> | Opens a Help page
- /help <page number> | Help Menus
- /search <command> | Find a command


< > = Mandatory, [ ] = optional
Kit Permissions
- Kits | ue.kits
- Kit | ue.kits
- Kit Previewing | ue.kits.preview (Required to preview any kits)
- Kit Previewing per Kit | ue.kits.preview.<kitname>
- Individual Kits if Permissions are enabled | ue.kit.<kitname>
- Cooldown/Cost Bypass | ue.kits.bypass
- Give Others Kits | ue.kits.others
- Create Kit | ue.kits.create
- Remove Kit | ue.kits.delete
Teleport Permissions
- TP | ue.tp
- Tpa | ue.tpa
- Tphere | ue.tphere
- Tpahere | ue.tpahere
- Tpaccept | ue.tpa
- Tpdeny | ue.tpa
- Tpall | ue.tpall
- Tppos | ue.tppos
- Setwarp | ue.setwarp
- Setwarp Overwrite | ue.setwarp.overwrite
- Warp | ue.warp
- Access to every warp | ue.warp.name.*
- Access to specific warp |ue.warp.name.<name>
- Delwarp | ue.delwarp
- Bypass a blocked warp | ue.warp.bypass
- Back | ue.back
- RandomTP | ue.randomTP
- RandomTP Others | ue.randomTP.others
- World | ue.world.<world name> or ue.world.* for all worlds
Chat Permissions - ue.chat.*
- Emojis | ue.chat.emojis
- Nick | ue.chat.nick
- Colored Nick | ue.chat.nick.color
- Nick Others | ue.chat.nick.others
- Realname | ue.chat.realname
- Msg | ue.chat.message
- Reply | ue.chat.message
- Broadcast | ue.chat.broadcast
- TitleBroadcast | ue.chat.tbroadcast
- Socialspy | ue.chat.socialspy
- Mail | ue.chat.mail
- Staffmail | ue.chat.staffmail
- Mailclear | ue.chat.mail
- Mute | ue.admin.mute
- Personal Clear Chat | ue.chat.pclearchat
- Clear Chat | ue.admin.clearchat
- Color Chat | ue.chat.color
- ChatColor Menu | ue.chat.chatcolor
- Ignore | ue.chat.ignore
- Staffchat | ue.admin.staffchat
- Exempt from Anti-Swear/Advert System | ue.chat.anitswear.bypass
- Rules | ue.chat.rules
- MOTD | ue.chat.motd
Home Permissions
- Sethome | ue.home
- Home | ue.home
- Home Others | ue.home.others
- Delhome | ue.home
- Number of Sethomes | ue.sethomes.max.<number>
- Clear Home | ue.home.clear
Economy Permissions - ue.economy.*
- Balance | ue.economy.balance
- Balance others | ue.economy.balance.others
- Baltop | ue.economy.baltop
- Pay | ue.economy.pay
- Bank deposit/withdraw | ue.economy.bank
- Bank Purge | ue.economy.bank.purge
- Account | ue.economy.bank
- Sell | ue.economy.sell
- SellAll | ue.economy.sellall
- Setworth | ue.economy.setworth
- Worth | ue.economy.worth
- Delworth | ue.economy.delworth
- Eco Give | ue.economy.give
- Eco Remove | ue.economy.remove
- Eco Set | ue.economy.set
- Eco Reset | ue.economy.reset
- Eco Giveall | ue.economy.giveall
- Eco Removeall | ue.economy.removeall
- Eco Purge | ue.economy.purge
- Eco Resetall | ue.economy.resetall
- Create Buy Sign | ue.economy.create.buy
- Create Sell Sign | ue.economy.create.sell
- Use Buy Sign | ue.economy.use.buy
- Use Sell Sign | ue.economy.use.sell
Spawn Permissions
- Setspawn | ue.setspawn
- Setrespawn | ue.setrespawn
- Spawn | ue.spawn
- Delspawn | ue.delspawn
Admin Permissions - ue.admin.*
- Invsee | ue.admin.invsee (ue.admin.invsee.exempt to deny access)
- Invsee without ability to take items | ue.admin.invsee.restrict
- Getpos | ue.admin.getpos
- SetMOTD | ue.admin.motd
- Freeze | ue.admin.freeze
- Seen | ue.admin.seen
- Seen GeoIP | ue.admin.seen.geoip
- Clear home | ue.admin.clearhome
- Info | ue.help
- Admin Menu & Other admin functions | ue.admin.menu
- Reload | ue.admin.reload
- Clear Chat | ue.admin.clearchat
- Mute | ue.admin.mute
- Tab | ue.admin.tab
- Ban | ue.admin.ban
- Tempban | ue.admin.tempban
- Unban | ue.admin.unban
- Lag | ue.admin.lag
- Exempt from being banned | ue.ban.exempt
- CommandSpy | ue.admin.commandspy
- Sudo | ue.admin.sudo (ue.admin.sudo.exempt to deny access)
- Clearlag | ue.admin.clearlag
- Setjail | ue.admin.setjail
- Deljail | ue.admin.deljail
- Unjail | ue.admin.unjail
- Jail | ue.admin.jail
- Jail List | ue.admin.jails
- Banlist | ue.admin.banlist
- Addrules | ue.admin.rules
- Delrules | ue.admin.rules
- Autobroadcast | ue.admin.autobroadcast
- Warn | ue.admin.warn (to give warnings)
- Check Warnings | ue.warns.check (/warns)
- Clear Warns | ue.admin.clearwarns
- Check Staffmail | ue.admin.staffmail
- Command Signs | ue.commandsign.admin
- PlayerInfo | ue.playerinfo
- Alias Creator | ue.alias.create
- Vault Open | ue.admin.vault.open
- Vault Clear | ue.admin.vault.clear
World Commands
- Butcher | ue.butcher
- Weather | ue.weather
- Time | ue.time
- Day | ue.time
- Night | ue.time
- Tree | ue.tree
- Spawnmob | ue.spawnmob
- Spawnmob Multiple | ue.spawnmob.unsafe
- Spawnmob Bosses | ue.spawnmob.admin
- Spawner | ue.spawner
- Spawner Bosses | ue.spawner.admin
Item/Storage Commands
- Hat | ue.hat
- Unhat | ue.hat
- Item | ue.item
- Item Blacklist | ue.item.bypassblacklist
- Give | ue.give
- Give Blacklist | ue.give.bypassblacklist
- Giveall | ue.giveall
- Setname | ue.setname
- Lore | ue.setlore
- Enchant | ue.enchant
- Disenchant | ue.disenchant
- Enchantment List | ue.enchlist
- Skull | ue.skull
- Heads | ue.heads (needs ue.skull too)
- Clear Inventory | ue.ci
- More | ue.more
- Infinite | ue.infinite
- Block | ue.block
- Iteminfo | ue.iteminfo
- ID | ue.id
- Playertool | ue.pt
- Workbench | ue.workbench
- Enderchest | ue.echest
- Repair | ue.repair- Break | ue.break
- Base Vault permission to use Cmd | ue.vault.open
- Permission modified in vault-permissions.yml | ue.vault.open.<group> | See FAQs
- Number of vaults | ue.vault.(number) - Max is 108
- Soulbound | ue.soulbound
- Disposal | ue.trash
Player Commands
- PlayerSettings Command | ue.playersettings
- PlayerSettings Toggle Mention | ue.playersettings.mention
- PlayerSettings Toggle NoPVP | ue.playersettings.nopvp
- PlayerSettings Toggle TPToggle | ue.playersettings.tptoggle
- God | ue.god
- God Others | ue.god.others
- Feed | ue.feed
- Feed Others | ue.feed.others
- Heal | ue.heal
- Heal Others | ue.heal.others
- Gamemode | ue.gamemode
- Gamemode Others | ue.gamemode.others
- Kill | ue.kill
- Suicide | ue.suicide
- Fly | ue.fly
- Fly Others | ue.fly.others
- Ext | ue.ext
- Ext Others | ue.ext.others
- Exp | ue.exp
- Exp Others | ue.exp.others
- Speed | ue.speed
- Speed Others | ue.speed.others
- Near | ue.near
- Depth | ue.depth
- Burn | ue.burn
- Burn others | ue.burn.others
- Vanish | ue.vanish
- Vanish Others | ue.vanish.others
- Potion | ue.potion
- Potion Others | ue.potion.others
- AFK | ue.afk
- NoPVP | ue.nopvp
- Ride | ue.ride
- Ping | ue.ping
- Ping Others | ue.ping.others
- Lightning | ue.lightning
- Flashlight | ue.flashlight
- Fireball | ue.fireball
- Top | ue.top
- Deathchest | ue.deathchest
- Open other player's deathchest | ue.deathchest.bypass
- Jump | ue.jump
- Use Aliases | ue.alias.use
- Dye | ue.dye
Sign Permissions
Create Signs
- Create Any Sign | ue.signs.create.*
- Spawn sign | ue.signs.create.spawn
- Warp sign | ue.signs.create.warp
- God sign | ue.signs.create.god
- Butcher sign | ue.signs.create.butcher
- Fly sign | ue.signs.create.fly
- Time sign | ue.signs.create.time
- Weather sign | ue.signs.create.weather
- Repair sign | ue.signs.create.repair
- Give sign | ue.signs.create.give
- Clear Inventory sign | ue.signs.create.clearinv
- Mail sign | ue.signs.create.mail
- Soulbound sign | ue.signs.create.soulbound
- Buy sign | ue.economy.create.buy
- Sell sign | ue.economy.create.sell
- Colored sign | ue.signs.create.colored
- Emoji sign | ue.signs.create.emojis
- Soulbound sign | ue.signs.click.soulbound
- Sell GUI sign | ue.signs.create.sell
- Sellall sign | ue.signs.create.sellall
- Disposal sign | ue.signs.create.disposal
- Kit sign | ue.signs.create.kit
- Kit Preview sign | ue.signs.create.kitpreview

Use Signs
- Use Any Sign | ue.signs.use.*
- Spawn sign | ue.signs.use.spawn
- Warp sign | ue.signs.use.warp
- God sign | ue.signs.use.god
- Butcher sign | ue.signs.use.butcher
- Fly sign | ue.signs.use.fly
- Time sign | ue.signs.use.time
- Weather sign | ue.signs.use.weather
- Repair sign | ue.signs.use.repair
- Give sign | ue.signs.use.give
- Clear Inventory sign | ue.signs.use.clearinv
- Mail sign | ue.signs.use.mail
- Soulbound sign | ue.signs.use.soulbound
- Sell GUI sign | ue.signs.use.sell
- Sellall sign | ue.signs.use.sellall
- Disposal sign | ue.signs.use.disposal
- Buy sign | ue.economy.use.buy
- Sell sign | ue.economy.use.sell
- Kit sign | ue.signs.use.kit
- Kit Preview sign | ue.signs.use.kitpreview

Other Features
- Emoji Signs | ue.signs.emojis
- Colored Signs | ue.signs.colored
Help/List Commands
- List | ue.list
- Stafflist | ue.list
- Helpop | ue.helpop
- UE Help menus | ue.help
- Help menus | ue.help
- Search | ue.search


BLACK = Mandatory CYAN = Changable GREEN = Optional














True = Yes, Price and Cooldown. False = No Price or Cooldown.







UE Pro is a Skript Resource and does have quite a few dependencies for every feature to work fully. You can download them here or with the links provided in the UE Pro download.

The following jars were used in creating and testing this resource on a corresponding version spigot server. If you have compatibility issues please message me in the discussion, PM, or our Discord server.

Full installation instruction included in the download file.

v3.2+ (1.9-1.13) Dependencies Here
2.9 (1.8) Dependencies Here

Vault and ANY Permissions Plugin are Required

- UE Pro has only been officially released on the supported Spigot versions and therefore using other platforms (e.g. Paperspigot) are use at your own risk.

- Skript does NOT work with Craftbukkit therefor neither does UEP.

- Skript sometimes has issues with local hosted servers. PM me and I can potentially give you a fix for it.
Digital product
License duration
4.00 USD
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.13 Support Finally Here!

    v3.2 We are back with updates and support of 1.13. Many changes in the transition + Replaced...
  2. A lot of stuff

    v3.1.7 Use /ue update to update automatically + Fixed Duplication bug with the new vault system...
  3. Fixed Tab header/footer bug

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