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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 10, 2020. It is now read-only.

Releases: elgbar/TraderSk


18 May 18:56
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Fix NullPointerException when loading the plugin without the merchant plugin


08 May 16:06
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This release have a critical bug in it, that prevent the plugin from loading! To fix this download the merchant plugin and placing it in the plugins folder. Click here to download the merchant plugin

  • Real support for minecraft 1.11
  • Fix some bugs with setting items
  • Fix coloring of titles
    • Title text is now sanitized
  • Update backend API
  • Improve debug logging
  • General code improvement


04 Jan 20:35
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Add support for json merchant titles (essentially meaning you can color your titles)

NOTE: 1.11 and titles are broken in this release, only support for 1.8.9->1.10!


21 Nov 22:52
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Added internal support for minecraft 1.11r1

NOTE: 1.11 is broken in this release, only support for 1.8.9->1.10!


02 Nov 22:47
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This update will add a config.yml to /plugins/TraderSk (make sure you do not have an old config.yml file laying there)

In the config you have two new options:

Name Default value description
openEmptyTraders false If set to true an empty inventory will open when there are no items in the trader, if false nothing will happen when trying to open an empty trader.
debug false Will enable debug printout and enable the list effect.

List effect

list all items for trader %string% to %player%

Note: You should not use the list effect in a skript, as skript will NOT recognize it as an effect if the debug option is false


09 Oct 00:48
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This will fix an internal error when trying to give the plugin a null object


10 Sep 23:07
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Note: This release changes the way the plugin saves the trader.
Note 2: Saving to file is now optional.

New effect:
You can now save all traders to disk with

save all [merchant] trader[s]


19 Jul 14:29
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Removed unnecessary error message


17 Jul 09:22
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+Fixed plugin not loading when using the old version of the config
+Added warning message when using an old version of the config
+Fixed plugin not working when you try and open a trader without setting it's name


16 Jul 16:49
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Added the ability to edit titles of traders. Note that you can't change the color of the title

(rename|set name [of|for]) [merchant] trader %string% to %string%