
Addon SkWaze 3.0.9

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Fixed list of uuid for bungee players
[waze] [number of] online player on server %string%
[waze] online player uuid on bungee[cord]
[waze] online player uuid on server %string%
Updated network variables to support all types of objects
Updated to 1.19 and fixed loading
Added kick and kick all effect for SkWrapper
Fixed version manager
Advancement will now work properly like some other stuff
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Reactions: JaydenBee
Fixed support for 1.8 and errors, please use this version of Skript for 1.8
Fixed startup error and added use-skwrapper to config.yml
Improved variable management, variables can now support basic objects like string, int, arraylist, ...
Variables are no longer stored in local, they are only accessed from bungeecord
Here is an example of how to use the new variable system:
Added a new communication system based on sockets (no plugin message anymore), wich means that your servers and proxy doesn't need to be on the same server
Added a lot of new proxy effects:
[waze] send network message %string% to proxy players
[waze] send network message %string% to %players%
[waze] send network title %string% [with] subtitle %string% (to|for) proxy players (for|to) %integer% second[s]
[waze] send network title %string% [with] subtitle %string% (to|for) %players% (for|to) %integer% second[s]
[waze] run proxy command %string%
[waze] send network actionbar %string% to proxy players
[waze] send network actionbar %string% to %players%
Removed player join proxy event (useless, can be replaced by basic player join event on server and then execute a global broadcast to all proxy players with new proxy effects)
This new system is less resource intensive
Code example:
command /test: 
        set network variable {mdr} to 5
        set network variable {player} to player's name
        set {add} to {mdr} parsed as integer + 1
        set network variable {servers} to bungee server list
        send message "Avant: %{mdr}%" to player
        send message "Apres: %{add}%" to {player} parsed as player
        set {servers} to "%{servers}%,yo"
        send "%{servers}%" to player
        #send "%bungee server list%" to player
        set {number} to online player on bungee
        send "%{number}%" to player
on player join:
    send network message "Salut %event-player% bienvenue sur le serveur Waze" to proxy players
    send network title "Salut %event-player%" with subtitle "Bienvenue sur le serveur Waze" to proxy players for 1 second
    send network actionbar "Salut %event-player%" to proxy players
    run proxy command "alert Hello %event-player%"
on horse jump:
    broadcast "Mdr %event-entity% a sauté"
on toggle swim:
    broadcast "%event-player% nage"